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This discussion was created by DaytonCIM (100144) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Why aren't we...

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  • Of our ports. Where we DO have an invasion from Mexico- consisting of at least 8 rogue Mexican army units, a cartel of tunneling drug dealers, and about 2 million civilians a year. While our port security is bad, it isn't letting across those numbers of illegal immigrants (far as we know- you do get the occasional shipping container of people, but it's rare to see more than one a day out of the 1.2 million shipping containers, and it never contains more than 100 people). It just isn't that popular of a way to violate our immigration laws.
    • But once the southern border is sealed off I bet more people will come that route and walk across from Canada too for that matter.
      • Once we nationalise Canada, we won't have that problem. ;)
      • But once the southern border is sealed off I bet more people will come that route and walk across from Canada too for that matter.

        Yes, it's a half-assed measure indeed- but both of those other options are MUCH harder for the poor. I personally don't think the extra troops will help much for the smugglers, except to drive them underground (litterally- they've found 4 tunnels, three in the south and one in the north, in just the last six months; and you KNOW there have to be more than just those).
        • I'm gonna start investing in Mexican small speedboat manufacturers.
          • Heck, investing in Mexico AT ALL will do more to decrease the flow of illegal immigration than these 6000 troops doing their yearly training on the border will (I don't know if anybody else noticed that- rotations on the border will be for two weeks, thus fullfilling the "two weeks a year" training requirement for NG troops). That's the real cause of the illegal immigration to begin with- not enough jobs in Mexico. That's the reason illegal immigration is a problem- because it's not real immigration, the
  • I am much more concerned with what's in those shipping containers than I am with impoverished Mexican laborers wading across the Rio Grande.

    I'm sure that efforts to secure the border will be at least as successful as our efforts to keep cocaine out of the country.

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