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Journal wowbagger's Journal: What a great week! 13

What a great week! Microsoft delaying both Vista and Office, 60% of Vista needs a rewrite, massive unrest in Redmond, Forbes magazine saying Vista isn't ready, and we finally overrode Gov. Sebileus's veto and will have Shall Issue Carry in Kansas.

Damn, but it is a good week!

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What a great week!

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  • It's the sound of the crime rate plummetting in Kansas like it has in every other state with Concealed Carry.

    Here in Texas, the only violent crime not to decrease (in both number and percentage) was rape.

    Which just means more women need to carry guns.

  • Now if we could only get something done about Fred Phelps

    • Well, given his confrontational style, the fact that he likes to protest at the funerals of servicemen, the probability of a serviceman's friends and family members having carry permits, and the ease of planting a weapon on a dead body, this might just be a self-correcting problem.

      Of course, I would *never* advocate killing someone for a non-self-defense reason and then claiming self defense <whistles>
  • More and more states are getting hip that the second amendment exists. Now to get all 50 with vermont style. I lived up there before, it's a *polite* state for the most part.
  • I don't care so much about Microsoft's problems, but it's great to hear that you guys were able to override an idiot governor. We've tried twice in Wisconsin and can't get CCW past the guy and his cronies, always fall a vote or two short. Frustrating. But, I'm sure all of the criminals that he used to defend when he was a lawyer are safer for it, so his bread is buttered anyway.

    For the record, Governor Doyle of Wisconsin is in favor of providing workplace safety...for criminals. His Attorney General
    • Well, if the papers are to be believed, there are some people in Kansas who are looking to move to a non-CCW state - perhaps you could find one, and swap houses?

      They just "don't feel safe now that everybody will be carrying a gun."

      • Wait, aren't these are the same people who said they were moving to Canada if Bush won the last election? /Seriously, I mean it this time.../
      • Heh. I wouldn't mind somewhere like Kansas. I figure by the time it's retirement time, the area around my 30 acres will be so built up I won't want to live here anymore. My test is that when having a range in the back yard becomes a problem, it's time to move. Kansas, Nebraska, Montana...something like that wouldn't be an awful place to retire, by any means.

        Funny about the people moving out - they just don't get it. The criminals already have been carrying, folks like (presumably) you are just protect

"Unibus timeout fatal trap program lost sorry" - An error message printed by DEC's RSTS operating system for the PDP-11
