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Journal LordBodak's Journal: Update on Police "Discrimination" 4

First, an update on yesterday's story. Here is today's followup story. Interesting things in there. Additionally, here is a collection of other interesting documents, including the DOJ letter itself.

Also, if you missed the sample test link I added to yesterday's JE, you really should go take a look. I think most of the children of people here in the circle could get a 70%.

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Update on Police "Discrimination"

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  • Only a first grader who hasn't figured out how to count past 10 would have a problem passing that test. I agree- calling this discrimination is saying that you want people without fingers on the police force....
  • If that's supposed to be eighth grade level math- then our entire society is in trouble. In the eighth grade I was doing quadratic equations.
  • I missed that bit the other day. I went through an "I wanna be a cop" phase, and tested at a number of departments, over 50% used the POST. As the sample test amply indicates, there is nothing racist or discriminatory about the test. Well, other than the fact that it discriminates against people who don't have fundamental mathmatical, reasoning, and english skills...

    Feh. I thought the story was dumb. I was wrong. It's dumber than that.

