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Journal subgeek's Journal: superbowl summary 11

presented by penny arcade. that link probably won't work for a little while, but the current comic link does.

i'm with tycho. i've never cared much for sports on television, particularly football. i had many friends with similar leanings. then something happened in college. i started meeting and befriending geek-inclined individuals who cared about sports on tv. then a little after college some of my fellow television sports apathetics started talking to me about sports on tv, as though i also had started to care about such matters. every once in a while i try, but it never takes. i accept this, just as i accept most people do not share my enthusiasm for experimental electronic music, video games, or martial arts.

it isn't so much that other people can't accept this, but as penny-arcade illustrates, it is simply beyond the scope of what many people anticipate as a likely answer. there was a football game. they expect i'll be a fan of one of the teams, or at least have an opinion regarding the aptitude of the referees or the excellence of a particular play. strangers waiting in line near me strike up conversations about games i was unaware had ever transpired. i know that if i try to answer i'll sound like an idiot, because i won't know what i'm talking about. i usually try anyway just bo polite. if i answer honestly (as i have on occasion) some people think your just trying to be rude, which isn't different than the people who think my vague content-free answer attempts are rude. those who know me better only ask me in jest, waiting to see what sort of stupid attempt at an answer i might concoct.

admittedly, i cared about the bulls when they used to win everything, and i care a little now if the i hear the cubs have won something. but this is just home town patriotism. i don't really want to watch the whole game. and i actually only watch it on my own if i happen to be at my parents' house. they are sports fans.

my mother told me good, my mother told me strong. she said be true to yourself and you can't go wrong.

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superbowl summary

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  • why not just state the truth?

    That you really don't care who wins because you don't follow football/baseball/pigeon tossing?

    Much easier that way.
    • dang it, I hit submit instead of preview.

      Anyway, more typing:

      Those people that think you're rude for stating the truth?

      Fuck 'em. They'll get over it. Besides, if they don't, you can throw some M.A. on they asses and be done wif um.
      • i think it's because the response is unexpected. then they're uncomfortable because they don't know what to say. sometimes that becomes my fault in their eyes.

        i've found the easiest thing to do is to make small comment or display my tiny amount of interest politely and then quickly change the subject. when i think of it, that one usually works.

        sometimes i'd like to throw some MA at certain people, but that is not our way. i must learn to transcend.
        • sometimes i'd like to throw some MA at certain people, but that is not our way. i must learn to transcend.

          That's not what you said when you had El Smooch chicken-winged.

          Speaking of which, where's he been the past few days?



  • is the Magazine with its etymology article (right now the name escapes me). For this Sunday's they explained the roots of football phrases: sams, willies and mikes, skinny posts, h-backs, point of attack, etc. It was pithy in its usual way.

    I can understand not watching sports and not caring (along the same lines you do. I have no real problem that most people have no interest in my French cinema or crap music I listen to). The only thing that bothers me is the (as seen on /.) sports-venom that stems fr
    • yeah, i don't think i have that problem, though i may have in the past as a result of the clique mentality and seeing jocks as the enemy. that's probably why i never started caring that much. but i was in high school. i was even dumber in high school than i am now, i just didn't know it yet.

      i do enjoy athleticism, but tend more towards individual sports. i've even been known to participate in the playing of games with great joy. and i watch some stuff like skateboarding and snowboarding if i catch it o
  • I like to watch a good game of football. I like baseball more, but it's not worth watching except in person at the stadium. I don't like losing though. Tycho's got a good point about not participating in a game in which he has no control(ler) to decide the outcome. So when the A's, 49ers, or Raiders are doing well, I have fun following along, because the thrill of winning just builds and builds. That's the reason to follow, the high from winning.
  • You don't like football because you aren't manly enough. In fact, you're a wimpy little girlie-man pu[subgeek puts the hurt on Ethelred]
    • how can we rule the world if we can't stop bringing each other down? i know! you rule the government and i'll rule the resistance. through conspiracy we can shape the world's destiny.
      • Heh. That reminds me of this guy who did a comic strip for our weekly student newspaper when I was in Wisconsin. I also did a comic, but a single-panel one, and all the cartoonists were warned by the goodie-two-shoes editor-in-chief not to do anything controversial. Since this was small-town Lutheran Wisconsin, you knew what that meant.

        So the guy did a series, really well-drawn too, with almost no dialog. The story was about this guy on the run from someone, and as each week went by, you gradually found o

Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
