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Journal geoswan's Journal: CNN reporting senior al Qaeda bomb-maker maybe killed 10

CNN is reporting a senior al Qaeda bomb-maker was killed in the CIA airstrike last weekend.

Initially the US claimed that the airstrike killed al Zawahiri, the number 2 guy in al Qaeda. They have backed away from that claim. They say that half a dozen of those killed were members of al Qaeda.

Now CNN has picked up an assertion from some right-wing blogs that Midhat Mursi al-Sayid 'Umar AKA Abu Khabab al-Masri was one of the dead. They say he was the director of Al Qaeda's derunta training camp. He is claimed to have written Al Qaeda bomb-making manuals. Derunta is claimed to have been the camp where Al Qaeda experimented with poison gas.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer was calling this guy Abu al-Masri. That is a problem, because there are at least two other alleged al Qaeda operatives or associates who are also known as Abu al-Masri. The other famous one was, for a long time, the notorious iman of the Finsbury Mosque in Britain. He is a plump guy, missing both hands and blinded in one eye, from his time as a fighter.

CNN can be so careless. Their policy seems to be to put up any old shit, in order to avoid being scooped. Compare the photo on the blog site, and compare it with a photos of the iman of the Finsbury mosque. I think the photo said to have been of the bomber is a photo of the Finsbury iman, prior to his injury.

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CNN reporting senior al Qaeda bomb-maker maybe killed

Comments Filter:
  • Which CIA employee or asset gets killed is still news?
    • Even I don't believe that al Qaida is still working for the CIA- not since the Soviet Union pulled out of Afghanistan anyway.
  • Disinformation and outright mythmaking, reported without the slightest fact checking or follow up. It reminded me of a piece I read on the myth of Zarqawi [blogspot.com] which just goes to show you have to take any naming of operatives killed with a very large pinch of salt.

"There is such a fine line between genius and stupidity." - David St. Hubbins, "Spinal Tap"
