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Journal Kymermosst's Journal: Alphabet Time Waster [meme] 2

A - Accent: Pacific northwest with a bit of midwestern.
B - Breakfast: Three or four pills and water.
C - Chore you hate: Any and all of them.
D - Dad's Name: Dad.
E - Essential everyday item: Palm (the PDA, you guttermind)
F - Flavor ice cream: Ice cream is way too sweet.
G - Gold or Silver?: Who's paying for it?
H - Hometown: Bend, Oregon.
I - Insomnia: Since high school.
J - Job Title: Which? The current ones are 1. Student, 2. Unix System Administrator, and 3. Associate Editor.
K - Kids: No.
L - Living arrangements: Wife and cat, pay rent to the man.
M - Mom's birthplace: Los Angeles
N - Number of significant others you've ever had: 1
O - Overnight hospital stays: none
P - Phobia: Large spiders.
Q - Queer?: No
R - Religious Affiliation: Christian, don't attend church.
S - Siblings: Two sisters.
T - Time you wake up: Depends on what day of the week.
U - Unnatural hair colours you've worn: None.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Vegetables are what food eats. (Stole this answer from RailGunner... because I agree!)
W - Worst habit: I'm a procrastinator. It makes projects much more interesting the night before they are due.
X - X-Rays you've had: Everything but my skull.
Y - Yummy: Is a word I expect pre-adolescents to use.
Z - Zodiac sign: Ursa minor.

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Alphabet Time Waster [meme]

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