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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: [Meme/Trend] Condesed Alphabetical 2

As is my habit - I shall only answer the ones I feel like answering. However, since I copied Eth's useful "blank", it's all there, with little of it actually answered...

A - Accent: Yeah - lived many places, and have various accented words from all of them.
B - Breakfast Item:
C - Chore you hate: They call it a chore, because it's not "play". I hate all chores.
D - Dad's Name:
E - Essential everyday item:
F - Flavour ice cream: That's Life Apple Pie (Ben & Jerry) - I love this stuff, but the've never sold it in the carton, and it's very rarely in the stores.
G - Gold or Silver?: Both - together in perfect harmony
H - Hometown:
I - Insomnia: No
J - Job Title: Director of Information Technology (but looking)
K - Kids:
L - Living arrangements:
M - Mom's birthplace:
N - Number of significant others you've ever had: 3 could have been 4, Coincidentally... Google's quote of the day: "The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity." - Helen Rowland
O - Overnight hospital stays: Once for me; Seven times for loved ones
P - Phobia: What's not to fear?
Q - Queer?:
R - Religious Affiliation: There are elements of many religions that I respect, so I stick with Agnostic, it works for me.
S - Siblings:
T - Time you wake up: 10am on Weekends
U - Unnatural hair colours you've worn: Metalic Silver, if Halloween counts.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Ocra
W - Worst habit: Chewing the sides my own tounge, as if it were Gum.
X - X-rays you've had:
Y - Yummy: Home Made English Toffee
Z - Zodiac sign: Water Bearer

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[Meme/Trend] Condesed Alphabetical

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There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly.
