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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: emeMeme 2

I tried, I know - it wasn't that great. I'm better at parcipitation than creation...

How many children do you have?
One, Two, Four or Five depending on how you count them.

What was the most embarrassing things you've ever witnessed first hand?
A quarrel between to men, where one responded to an unkind comment about his butt by mooning everyone present exclaiming just how wonderful his ass is.

What do you wear to go shopping?
A T-shirt or a Turtleneck and Blue Jeans.

What about to work?
Slacks, Shirt and Tie

Who is a celebrity that most people like, but you don't?

If you could stop any regular activity that you do, without facing any complaints, what would it be?

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • While in college I would start growing a beard on the first day of the quarter. I would do nothing to it (no trimming no nada) until the last day when I shaved it off;-)

    Later on while working I decided to grow my beard out again. Since I was working I trimmed it regularly and I thought it looked nice, but enver heard a comment one way or another. After a couple three months I decided to shave it all off again and that very day at work, no less than half a dozen different women in the office (including

One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
