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Journal RradRegor's Journal: voice of the lone cynic

After nine years I've finally realized what should have been obvious long ago. You have to let people be what they are. Some people just can't appreciate cynicism for the blessing that it is. For years I've tried, in the friendliest ways possible, to help my wife understand the absurdities and humor in human activities, and the intricate ways that organizations defeat their own purposes. But its no use. Some people just have to go along for the "big ride." And I have to let them, though it pains me sometimes.

When I was much younger, I had a best friend whom I could gripe to in full blown cynic mode, and he would not only understand but elaborate and contribute to the thoughts. We could explore alternatives, and try to poke holes in each other's schemes. It was never personal, and never taken personally. But he was a guy. A really smart guy too. That kind of fellowship is simply unavailable in my marital relationship, and I have to get over it.

I spent most of yesterday writing notes to people who typify the hypocrisy that so many people cannot see. One note to fire my analyst. One note to the principal of my daughter's school, griping about the absurd number of fundraisers, and the emotionally manipulative tactics they employ.

In other words, now when I see wrongness in the world, I have to take it straight to the source. Because sitting around with my pal and passively mocking the absurdity just isn't a viable option. And these perceptions, insights, complaints, whatever you want to call them have to come out of me in some form or another or they just seem to eat me up inside. The universe/evolution/God/whatever you want to call it gives each being something... something to take into existance and bring into being, to express in life. We are all motivated to fullfil that "mission from God." Mine just happens to be a gift most people don't want to receive. Well, we all have our challenges.

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voice of the lone cynic

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