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User Journal

Journal bellus quies's Journal: Cancelled 3

Well, scratch out the mini-vacation in Austin. my boyfriend thought it'd be a bit to high stress with the approaching hurricane and all that entails (people hauling their crap off, hotels overbooked, whatever). So I cancelled all the reservations, and I'll just interview by phone.

Now the only thing is finding a quiet room with a land line that I can use at 2:30pm Friday afternoon, because my cell phone sucks in that it drops calls after 35 minutes or so.

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  • Of seeing your previous JE I saw that Rita was up to a Category 4 Hurricane and heading for Texas. I was wondering if you were still going to go forward with it, and am glad that you opted to stay out of harms way. There'll be plenty for you to help with in the storm's wake I'm sure.

    Before I had cell phones I'd always just book a conference for a "teleconference" as needed;-)

"It ain't over until it's over." -- Casey Stengel
