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Journal smartfart's Journal: Have a laugh...

A posting on guru.com:

Description: We have a site with a photos folder that is around 30 GB in size. This folder is causing us trouble when trying to download as these files are enormous and we keep erroring out on download. We think it may be because of the naming convention .JPG versus .jpg or that the FTP mod that is on the server just stinks. We do not know.

Here is what we need. We need YOU to troubleshoot as to why they are not downloading right,install a different type of FTP mod and try downloading again, or find some other method to back up this folder remotely that works and re-upload this folder to our new server. If you can successfully download this folder to say a backup drive that we can send you, that can work as well.

Can you do this?


"You don't go out and kick a mad dog. If you have a mad dog with rabies, you take a gun and shoot him." -- Pat Robertson, TV Evangelist, about Muammar Kadhafy
