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Journal davidwr's Journal: Vote - are Slashdot human-detectors too hard to read? 4

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The /. Human-Detector is:
1) WAY TOO HARD: I can't make them out at all
2) TOO HARD: They are very hard to read even when I squint
3) JUST HARD ENOUGH: Any reasonably intelligent person with good eyesight can read them
4) TOO EASY: Any reasonably intelligent computer program can read them
5) TRIVIAL: Any $50 OCR package can read them

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Vote - are Slashdot human-detectors too hard to read?

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  • Yes... They are too hard.

    Twice now I've tried to submit comments, only to return an hour later and find that there was no comment submitted at all... =/
  • I had to try to post 4-5 times before I got it right at one point. I don't have particularly bad eyesight either
  • When it comes to HTML standard conformance and accessibility, Mr. Malda, you fail it.

    Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act requires many companies to make their goods and services accessible even to blind people such as my stepmother's friend. I'd imagine that willful inaccessibility (such as a visual CAPTCHA) would be looked at much more harshly than reckless inaccessibility (such as forgetting a relevant alt= attribute on other images). W3C has more to say about that [].

    That said, I haven't seen

  • Is this an anonymous coward thing, or do you need them when you are logged in? I don't think I've ever seen these.

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