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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: La Sigh 9

Ok, so I get on /. this morning and see this "article."

Company X is protesting "booth babes" at E3 by... get this... hiring booth babes! Ooh! But they have a twist! Theirs are "ugly". Because see, if they're ugly, it's a protest....

Ok, so let me rephrase, Company X has exceptionally low marketing budget and hits on the idea to hire low-cost average/un-hyper attractive women at a budget price while registering a domain name and having their marketing department (a mixed ethnicity man named Howard or Russ or something) spam submissions to various gaming portals until someone picks it up.

Why.. with genious like that at work, you woulda thought you'd have heard of company X sooner.


Oh and Cyrano's JE about people shying away from ex-telco PHDs made me laugh. You realize how many CS innovations of the past 30 years came out of teleco style free-wheeling labs right? Umm... Almost all of them! Business classes, for when you're too inbred or stupid to learn anything productive!

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La Sigh

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  • Where the HELL have you been son?

    I have nothing, unfortunately, to say on-topic, but I've asked my question, haven't I?

    everybody's doin' the mess around!
    • Uhh.. not on slashdot. Well, on slashdot every now and then, but mainly lurking. Not much interesting going on 'round these parts.

      You have ways to reach me. I say, I say, get on AIM or ICQ son.
    • he's been around... he just doesn't know what day it is!

      friday, april 29th. (note that this is a friday). this is the day sol arrives... there's a little meetup at my house... ya with me so far smoochy?

      okay... its getting near 7:30pm. mr the overflowed said he'd be around 6:30ish. well... buffer is actually quite punctual... so i call his celly. i ask... "um buffer where is you at?" (i think my grammar was that bad... i still haven't journaled about that friday... somthing involving staying up till 4am do

  • Booth babes in any form are to play to the idiot gamer's ego. [Oh, oh, a GIRL looked at me!]

    If a company makes good products, there should be little use for such an animal. The products would look good/sound good/etc. and would lure the unwilling customer into submission.

    Maybe the problem is that most video games out there suck ass, and to distract people from the ass-suckitude, there are booth babes. [Our products suck ass, but here's a woman! A real one, not like the blow-up one you have in your mom's b
    • Shrug, they don't bother me, but they don't exactly do anything for me either. You may as well bronze them and shove speakers in their chest.

      I prefer food shows. Free ice cream, chocolate, beer and liquor! Haha, beat that computing trade shows! Oooh... t-shirt and vendor pickups.... excellent, but not nearly as good.

      See, I'd rather they had good beer. Ya know, cause if you're going to inevitably disappoint me 6 months down the line, I'd like it if you at least got me a little drunk. That's common co

    • Agreed. I think the formula is:

      Quality of Game = 1 / Attractiveness level of booth babe.

      Really, you rarely see companies with games that can stand on their own resorting to this kind of marketing.

  • Are they equal opportunity? Can some of them be guys in drag?

    I would definitely protest the booth babes by having drag queen friends promote my game.

  • They don't give a shit about CS innovations...no, all they care about are being able to download their portfolio numbers directly into Excel(tm) (or use fancy-shmancy web services integration...or whatever).

    Goddamn suits are so in love with their damn Excel I think some of them even use it for word-processing...
  • It seems to me that telling people you are hiring "ugly booth-babes" is at least as bad as what the other companies are doing. At least the other companies aren't insulting the women they are hiring... this company is saying, "Hey, look, we objectify AND insult women, to show that women should not be objectified". The doublespeak is incredible.

If you can't get your work done in the first 24 hours, work nights.
