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Journal lithron's Journal: [US Freedom] Nation ID cards 4

On May 10th a bill will be voted on that will mandate normal citizens of the US to carry national ID cards. A drivers license and SS card are no longer enough for some people..

If you want more information or care to write your senators, I suggest visiting this web site to learn more.

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[US Freedom] Nation ID cards

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  • This has been de facto the case for a long time now. This law simply makes it easier to connect the dots.

    Isn't that what we raised hell about not being done before 9/11?

    • 9/11 never once made me think that maybe we need more identification cards. What we needed was better security aboard the planes, and better searching on the ground.

      I'd like to think we have one of those two in place now.
      • Well, leaving aside the fact that I was being sarcastic, the reference was to "connect the dots" more than directly to 9/11. Aside from that, while I agree with you and Bruce Schneier on this one, I do see how law enforcement connects "connect the dots" and ID cards making it easier to track people.

        Except of course it's only easier to track people who are behaving legally :-)

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