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Journal lithron's Journal: Digi and SCO can suck my....

I was told to manually remove the Digi MPI driver.  So I followed the instructions on the web page, word for word.  Then I got to this step:

# cd /etc/conf/bin
# ./idbuild

        The UNIX Operating System will now be rebuilt.
        This will take a few minutes.  Please wait.

        Root for this system build is /
undefined                       first referenced
symbol                             in file
epc1open                            conf.o
epc1close                           conf.o
epc1read                            conf.o
epc1write                           conf.o
epc1ioctl                           conf.o
epc1init                            conf.o
i386ld fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to unix
ERROR: Can not link-edit unix

idbuild: idmkunix had errors.
System build failed.


I hate Digi.  I hate SCO.  I can't wait till lightning takes all these older servers out so we can replace them with less-broken Linux servers.
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Digi and SCO can suck my....

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