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Journal lithron's Journal: Completed: Introduction to Computers 4

My Tuesday and Thursday nights are free again! Yay! I completed the Intro to Computers class tonight. The quarter ends June 7th, so I have a full month of free time! Yay for having an A in a class *AND* finishing the class early!

Now to focus on my Intro to Psych online course. I made a C on the midterm, which lowered my grade from a low A to a high B. I hope to raise that back to an A before the final.

Maybe I can have a 3.0 grade point average after this quarter. I really wish I hadn't of failed out of some classes from this college two years ago... really drags my GPA down.

Okay, I'm done bragging for now.

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Completed: Introduction to Computers

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  • And do they offer entire degrees online, or are you forced to sit in a room full of actual people for at least some of the classes?
    • Gwinnett Technical College [gwinetttech.org] in good old Gwinnett County, GA, USA. Home of Snellville (pronounced "Snail-ville", and Stone Mountain which is a HUGE piece of rock sticking out of the earth).

      GTC offers entire courses of study as online classes, so you may want to check them out if you're looking for a fully accredited college to et a degree from.
      • Dang it looks like they only offer associates degrees. I really need to finish up my BA at the local U (Professional Writing of all things :-) ) However their cost looks really reasonable. Then again, I always wonder if I should go be a journeyman electrician or something that doesn't depend on the tech field, since who knows how that will go in the future (plus as I get older, I wonder if I can keep current).

"Paul Lynde to block..." -- a contestant on "Hollywood Squares"
