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Journal lithron's Journal: I passed!! 7

I made an 86 out of 100 on my Microsoft Access 2003 test. I made a 96 on the practice test, but obviously it was easier than the real thing.

I have on thing left for this class, and that is a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation. But I just don't care! I have enough points right now to pass with an A, so no matter how horrible I do on the PP presentation I still pass with an A! Boo-ya!

So now the question is, what do I do my presentation on? Do I make brownies and take pictures all the while, and bring those in during my presentation? Do I geek out and show everyone how to paint a pewter miniature? Or do I go real strange and make myself happy and enjoy presenting about different piercings? :-)

What to do, what to do?

(btw, this quarter isn't over for another 40 days. I already have an A in this class because I went ahead just a little..)

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I passed!!

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  • If you make brownies, make 'special' brownies. If this doesn't wow the crowd, you are in the wrong school.
  • of course you did well!!!

    Do your presentation on something that you are interested in that is not likely to make anyone squeamish. I would say sure, go with the miniature. Or the brownies sound like a good idea (no funny brownies, no matter what the GM says over there) only i would go with sushi because i'm better at sushi than brownies... Maybe do the miniature, and bring in the miniature??

    Either way, it sounds like you've got it all sewn up already. Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (genuinely pleased for you)

  • yay! good job my good sir!

    okay... now here's my idea for a presentation. do a presentation on how to do a presentation! oh yes... a meta joke!

    wow, wouldn't that get confusing... yet still be quite a lot of fun?

    oh hey... err... how was the agnostic front show?

    • I knew you were going to bring up that show sometime. I'm one of those people with no social backbone, and since I couldn't find anyone to go with, I didn't go. I also couldn't find any Agnostic Front CDs at any of the local music shops (not even the little hole in the wall ones). BUT, I did buy a Roger Miret and the Disasters CD two weeks ago. So.. uh.. I'm sure the concert was awesome, I just didn't go.

      A meta presentation? hmm.. I'm not sure my teacher would appriciate the idea. But I'll consider i
      • hey not a problem. for the longest time i couldn't go to shows alone. it wasn't until i realized that my "friends" weren't actually friends (getting the shit kicked out of you while your "friends" stand back and watch is a good indicator of friendship by the way)

        anyway... after that i started to prefer going alone. gave me the freedom to come and go as i please.

        i owe my sister a trip to atlanta at some point... i'll have to plan one around a show you want to go to :)

"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
