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Journal lithron's Journal: Entertain me! 3

For some strange reason I'm waiting patiently for more journal updates from the circle. Reading journal entries (and ignoring work) is like a drug.

My day has been fairly productive so far. I helped one customer get his point of sale station running again, I converted a data file from a vendor into the format we use, and then loaded said datafile for a customer (and changed them $100!), and I've been on hold for quite a bit trying to get help with the credit card software we sell.. but the vendor of said CC software sucks and doesn't ever actually answer the phone or return phone calls.

So yeah. That has been my day. Tonight I have my introduction to microcomputers class, where I will hopefully pass the Microsoft Access 2003 final test with an A or high B. Then when I get home I study for my intro to psych class, and take an online quiz where I'll make an A.

And I'm done rambling now, so who is going to entertain ME?!

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Entertain me!

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