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Journal lithron's Journal: school! 2

I love classes where you get to work at your own pace. My pace is much faster than anyone else in my classes. So I finished the first three weeks worth of work.. in the first week. I'm taking two chapter tests on Thursday, which is the third day of class.

So far my lowest grade is a 6/10, and my average is 9.5/10. I could do better, but why? An easy B (or god forbid I accidentally make an A) is fine. I've already resubmitted the 6/10 and the 7/10 I made.

So yeah. Apparently dropping out of college 3 years ago was a smart move. Now I'm ready for it, and I'm kicking ass and taking names.

Now if only there were some nice looking (and intelligent) girls in my classes.. of course, I might start making B's and C's instead of A's and B's, but thems the breaks. Distraction == lower grade. And I'm willing to make that sacrifice ;-)

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  • Are you taking these classes in correspondence so that you can do it at your own pace or is it a brick and mortar school where you must attend classes?
    • Bit of both. I am required to attend intro to computer class twice a week, and its a 'web enhanced' class which means you do all your homework on a computer and submit it via a website. I'm not required to attend intro to psychology because it is all online, but I am allowed to attend lectures twice a week if I so desire.

      I supose they're both at my pace. The psychology teacher seems to want to slow people down though. I'd imagine she has a good reason, but I've yet to find out what it is.

Why do we want intelligent terminals when there are so many stupid users?
