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Journal buffer-overflowed's Journal: Shiavo's dead 4

Now this whole freakin' mess is over. Who wants a brain slushy?

Since it's over, here's what bothered me about this mess: the executive and legislative branches of both the florida state government AND the federal government getting involved in a ONE TIME ONLY showboating manner.

Yes, that's right, I know I LOVE the idea of people writing laws that mention ME by name. That's so democratic! Repeat after me, Fuck you King George(and that's pretty much what a lot of their BASE said in some recent polling, imagine that).

And yea, it's the husbands call. SUCK IT UP! I don't fucking like drug laws, but I still have to abide by them. Don't like how guardianship/marriage works, get it changed... but it's too late for that now.

Trying to get the government involved in this families PERSONAL lives just proves that republicans aren't conservative in the slightest. Apparently there are very few non neo-liberals left.

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Shiavo's dead

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  • That's why I'm staunchly uncategorizable. I identify as a Democrat, but have very center-leaning ideas with frighteningly radical implementations. I stand for accurate representation of history. I believe vast, sweeping changes to government can be made over short periods of time without disasters prompting them, but don't believe that people are prepared to accept that. I think everything happens slower than it should because everyone expects it to. I am of the opinion that change is tied to education. I u
    • There's a term for what you are describing.

      An individualist.

      I'm one of them.

      I'm not republican. I'm not democrat. I'm not libertarian. I'm individian.

      My votes don't go to parties. They go to who I think will do the best job in any given situation. Luckily, before this country is completely run into the ground I'll be either A) senile or B) dead.

      It's win win baby!

If you can't get your work done in the first 24 hours, work nights.
