Comment Re:It was okay but (Score 2) 21
My favorite is always
"Anyone want to trade wood for sheep?"
"Yup, here you go..."
"Nono, I want to trade YOUR wood for MY sheep..."
"In that case, no."
My favorite is always
"Anyone want to trade wood for sheep?"
"Yup, here you go..."
"Nono, I want to trade YOUR wood for MY sheep..."
"In that case, no."
That's the *old* Microsoft, the new Microsoft is much the same.
I don't understand how this will work... won't the websites that are required to train the AI be pissed off that searchers will no longer be going to their sites, but instead staying on google with the results.
This was the same thing with the news sites when Google News just gave a blurb with the news, but didn't require going to the actual news sites.
This is only a free lunch so long as everyone else pays. As soon as everyone stops getting traffic from search, because the AI has "all the answers", what is going to be the point of having your website.
If having advanced ai go out, retrieve the best answer and report the results directly to you in one step is slower than you ripping through the wild wild west, then bon apetite. Apparently google has it all wrong, and is worried about nothing.
Yeah, getting the answer, and followup answers that narrow the scope. As opposed to clicking through 30 links, and then changing your search request when you find those 30 don't answer the question properly.. fighting through the ads etc. In theory it should be LESS time consuming, as it will just provide the skimmed information, plus you won't have to deal with video results most likely.
I, for one, welcome our new overlords.
This is going to make for some great "Wow, this is great.. what is in this?" conversations around the barbeque.
I daily drive and run games on my 1070. No problems.
Earlier on I was sticking with the 470 driver, but have since upgraded to latest without any issues.
Probably because BlackBerry turned off all their services.
It would be such a sweet revenge if they just basically did the same thing as apple, but took 5% instead of 30.
The new list
Mask Wearer/Punishment Receiver
Hows that FCC treating you? Still run by russians?
I'm pretty sure the mexicans are more concerned about the infected americans at the moment.
I can see this being useful to detect if a foreign agent has changed a vote, or stopped a vote from counting.
What about votes that are made on behalf of dead people, or people who didn't know they voted, or just plain made up? If they don't know to check the qr code (for those living beings who just didn't vote), there is no real check.
You mean, basically, everyone except for Oracle???
You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington