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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
My comment to the DOJ  *Wednesday January 23, 2002 @03:07PM  1
   attached to Respond To The Tunney Act
Re:Shameful  *Sunday September 16, 2001 @09:54PM  1
   attached to Preserve Your Rights Online - Act Now
Re:First and Foremost  *Tuesday February 01, 2000 @11:26PM  1
Re:Wrong. A good business plan is essential.  *Tuesday February 01, 2000 @11:09PM  1
Re:Experienced businessmen  *Tuesday February 01, 2000 @09:26PM  3
Re:First and Foremost  *Tuesday February 01, 2000 @09:16PM  1
Raising money is not easy  *Tuesday February 01, 2000 @09:14PM  3
   attached to Geek's Startup Business Experiences
Crappy Driver  *Friday January 21, 2000 @11:21AM  1
   attached to Aureal 3D Developing Linux Drivers
The only solution is social  *Monday December 27, 1999 @02:12PM  1
   attached to ESR on Quake 3 Troubles
Finger text  *Monday October 18, 1999 @10:39PM  1
   attached to ZD "Objective Reporting" Not Just For Linux

We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the programmers.
