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Comment Prevention is the cure. (Score -1) 104

The Energy Required to run something like that is the weakness. The most dangerous event to any electronic device is a brown out. cut partial power to the datacenter housing the compute nodes. Not enough to to shut it down, only enough to cause it to draw current and overheat. Prepare the grid that powers it to also burn it up.

Comment Not enough minerals (Score -1) 243

I am sorry that nobody talks about the finite minerals on this planet as we move to electric.to build batteries for everything. Now there is one element that could save us from the inevitable climate change this planet WILL go through, Hydrogen. Hydrogen fuel cells could power everything efficiently and cleanly. The current course all of the tech that the powers that be want to use rely on fossil fuels, ALL of it. Could the Hydrogen Fuel Cell startups possibly be the way to go?

Comment The President Elect has not been chosen. (Score -1, Troll) 212

I understand all of the freakout over this if you didnt know how the actual election process and transition worked. On December 14th the Electoral College meets in WA DC. That is when the states actually go through the FORMAL process of setting the President Elect. Until that point only limited assistance is given to either candidate. This is by design as you would want the one that inst elected to know all the the Confidential US Security information would you? To that point, neither Biden nor Trump can call themselves the President Elect even in one of the concedes. The News organizations and pundits do not get to call the election. That is reserved for full socialist or communist governments and their respective propaganda wings.

Comment They are always watching (Score -1) 345

Like the NSA hasnt been spying on us since the early 90's. The only difference here is they are making money off of watching you and selling the data. Apple products are more about Apple than you and always have been. Thus the lack of real choice. Even though this stoops to a real Orwellian level.

Comment Re:But...But (Score -1) 116

Wow you are clueless. I take it you failed civics and have zero legal or real govt experience. It will all come down to SCOTUS unlike your socialist wish. I hope they review Rule 230 and allow anyone with a grievance to sue FatBook and Twatter. They dont have enough money to hire that many lawyer and I hope they fall victim to their godlike wish of total control.

Comment You are all sheeple (Score 0) 87

"Trump pushes", I love how blind you all are to the actual root here. This has most likely been in the planning since Obama or before. The President can set policy but over the last 30+ years I have watched the underlying bureaucracy move in this way no matter who was president, they actually dont care. From Regan to Trump the surveillance state has slowly found ways to suck in data about you. The first real nasty NSA systems were developed under the Bush/Clinton times in office. This is just another data grab from the part of the govt we have no power over at all and since the 70's, never had.

Comment 30 years of mismanagement (Score 0) 271

These FIREs are not Climate change. Democratic run states REFUSE to properly manage the forest. Even the native tribes of the US before we invaded knew to control the fire danger by setting fires early in the year to burn undergrowth. Just a little quick info for you to read and try to dispute, but I bet you cant find anything logical to argue with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... https://theconversation.com/wh... http://www.tcrcd.net/fsc/pdf/A...

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