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Comment Re:Not just a GUI toolkit (Score 1) 80

Another very important point is deployment. Deploy a Qt application to say, Windows, you ship the needed Qt libs as dll's with your program (installed in the program folder). User installs, and starts the program like a native one.

Java: Ship a jar (or say exe), and then the user has to first download a JRE. Start your program, and the user has to wait with a startup screen, cause the JRE takes time to load. Horrible end user experience

Comment Re:Why do companies keep thinking people *want* th (Score 1) 125

Initially I also thought like that, but isn't that thinking just based on the limitations of current devices? Syncing devices is a nightmare, and hence I switched from a desktop to a notebook, instead of maintaining both devices. Still synching my phone with my desktop is painful enough. The reason why I didn't buy a tablet was again the "sync between all devices" nightmare. Imagine a world, in say 10 years, where you have a device the size of a phone, capable of number crunching what current desktops can do. You have all your data with you - locally and under full control, and not in some cloud somewhere. In fact, I am looking at those convertible devices like the Surface Pro3, Lenovo Yoga, and the like. When I code, put it in a docking station, when I am on the way and need to type, use the notebook's keyboard, when just reading some pdf, use it as a tablet. Integration must be better than the desaster of Windows 8, but just bc Win8 sucks, doesn't mean it's not doable...

Comment Great against Crapware (Score 1) 132

This finally enables users to wipe their system easily after buying a computer loaded with crapware. Often, manufacturer will give you no cd and just a pre-customized (i.e. loaded with crapware) recovery - image. Having the ability to download and clean install without having to buy a system-builder version to get a clean image is a real plus.

Comment Re:I don't buy it. (Score 2) 863

People are switching to tablets and smartphones for their everyday web-browsing - sure. It's also true, that your average day computer has more than enough power to do everyday computing - tasks. But your average user will never buy a copy of Windows and upgrade his PC. If someone wants a new version of Windows, users go to their local computer store and buy a new computer with the new Windows version preinstalled.

When Windows Vista came out, a lot of people were actually very interested in a new version of Windows. After all, XP had been used for quite some time, had several quirks (security-wise), and so there was a lot of interest. Of course it quickly backfired, when users noticed all the quirks with Vista.

When Windows 7 came out, it really did influence PC sales. Users were enthusiastic about 7, it seemed that Microsoft finally "got it" and focused on providing a great experience both for home-users and business-users alike. It seemed that Windows 7 was designed according to users demands and wishes.

With Metro and Windows 8, it's the opposite. Even the enthusiasts say "It's not as bad as you think once you get used to it." What a horrible way of praising a new product - it's not as bad as you think.

Windows 8 has completely failed to attract end-consumes. Most end users find the interface useless and cumbersome. None of my non-techie friends would every buy a new computer to get Windows 8. And even my nerd-friends shy away from Windows 8.

So all in all: Tablets and smartphones eat aways desktop sales, but Windows 8 has rather accelerated this process than slowing it down.

Comment 10" as 4:3 is the only choice for reading (Score 0) 433

7" seems popular, and even more so a lot of displays are 16:9 or 16:10. That's nice if you want to watch movies. But for reading, both 7" and/or 16:9 are absolutely useless. A magazine page just fits on one page and reads nice if you hold an ipad 10" upwards. Same goes for PDFs, the ipad is imho the only tablet right now where you can read ebook-PDFs (especially technical documentation, like O'Reilly books) without zooming, scrolling etc. 7" tablets are for movies and surfing the web, but not for reading documents.

Comment Both article and summary misleading (Score 2, Informative) 270

Since there seems to be much confusion, I'd like to add a few points to this article. There are two notions of warranty in Europe.

1.) A mandatory warranty that all _sellers_ of goods have to give by law, which is valid for two years. This covers only problems that existed prior to the purchase. So for example, if some part breaks simple to being worn out, the _seller_ has no obligation to cover it. If a problem occurs within the first six month after purchase, it is assumed by law that the problem existed prior to the purchase. The burden of proof that the problem did not exist prior to the purchase is up to the _seller_. In practice, such proof is difficult, and thus _seller_ will usually handle the problem. After six month up to two years, the burden of proof is up to the buyer. Since again, this is almost impossible to do without an expensive expertise, this effectively limits this warranty up to six month. Note that this is an issue between the _seller_ and the _buyer_, even though if a defect occurs and the seller is not the manufacturer, say the seller is amazon, the seller when faced with a defective product will claim the same warranty to the manufacturer. Some might have other agreements with the manufacturer.

2.) Almost all manufacturers give on top a voluntary warranty to the customer of two years. This warranty is completely voluntary, and the customer has no real legal means to enforce it.

What happened here is that Apple is one of the very few manufacturers who only give voluntary warranty of one year. They (essentially the apple store) tried to sell additional warranties for up to three years (Apple Care), but without making it clear, that the buyer can anyway claim warranty against the seller of goods for up to two years (even though, this is hardly enforceable after six month, unless it is a problem so widespread that it would, say, lead to a class-action lawsuit in the US). The judges asked Apple to make this more explicit. Instead, Apple finally went ahead and introduced voluntary warranty conditions that are similar to any other manufacturer in Europe.

Comment Re:It's the business model (Score 2) 192

I bought a HTC Magic. The Magic was released roughly the time when the 3GS was introduced, and has comparable hardware.

I am on contract with NTT Docomo. Officially the Magic is stuck here at 1.6. By flashing Cyanogenmod, I could get up to 2.2.1. Some at XDA have made 2.3.3. available, but it is slow and unstable. Updating has the risk of bricking the device. Very like, it will never see 4.0.

Considering the price, I did not even save any money.

The update experience on Android is simply a joke. My next smartphone will be anything but Android. Windows Phone 7, iOS, heck even Blackberry will give me less trouble.

Comment Re:Google will smile and laugh (Score 2) 146

That's because they are competing on an unfair market. The Chinese government is highly corrupt and is trying to support chinese companys where they can. They do not only block youtube, twitter, google and the like for political reasons, but also to support domestic companies. If you cannot reach youtube due to the firewall, of course you will change to a chinese alternative. Same goes for twitter, google, and all the other google services...

Comment Re:Updates are Android's weak point (Score 1) 770

I am very happy that it worked out nice for her. But from my personal experience, a) your gf, unless she's very into high-tech and gadgets, rooting her phone and installing Rom-Manager alone is quite exceptional and b) I wonder what've happened if there was even the slightest problem, let alone bricking her phone - which still is a possibility in a lot of cases.

I updated a non-US HTC Magic (both new radio and the T-Mobile US-Froyo-Image) and found the process far from trivial. And I do have a CS degree. Maybe I should've gone for history instead.

Comment Updates are Android's weak point (Score 1) 770

The sad fact is that while of course, the iPhone 3G won't get iOS5, you can roughly expect at least 2 years of updates for an iPhone. Whereas some (but not all) Android devices are given up much quicker.

Steve Ballmer's FUD is insofar correct in that if you want to update your Android-phone after the maker and/or carrier abandoned you, you indeed almost need a CS degree to update it on yourself.

The update process is indeed quite well-done on WP7

Comment Re:GNOME Survey (Score 1) 315

There were at least third party tools, like GSynaptics that worked. Of course nobody cares about backward compatibility, so that doesn't work anymore. GSynaptics was continued into GPointingDeviceSettings, which was quite powerful. I am not sure whether it was part of the official gnome-project. But then again, it is not available for Gnome 3. Of course neither the Gnome-folks nor the distribution makers actually care about those things. After all, who needs a working touchpad, if instead I can get the _latest_ version of Gnome, right?

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