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Comment Re:Fall guy (Score 1) 171

because you don't know if the subnets are out of its control or not. If you have small-china-isp that is peered with BIG_ISP_A and BIG_ISP_B, and for some reason BIG_ISP_A has no route to BIG_ISP_B, the network is set up in such a way so that it will failover to its only path, which is BIG_ISP_A -> SMALL_CHINA_ISP ->BIG_ISP_B. this is part of the overall network fault tolerance strategy. - sean (previous voting member of seattle IX)

Comment Re:What exactly happened? (Score 1) 171

This is actually pretty common among larger carriers, to trust network updates. One of the common BGP peering mistakes that used to be quite frequent is that small , multi-homed ISP's would misconfigure BGP from , say, uunet and sprint, and suddenly they would be routing uunet's traffic to sprint (oops). It's sort of how the network 'works', at a fundamental level, and it works really well if everybody basically trusts their peers and knows what they're doing.

Comment What does inappropriate behavior mean? (Score 5, Insightful) 941

One of the most disturbing things in this story is that the school deemed "inappropriate behavior" of the student. I have read the legal briefs and a number of other sources and have not been able to determine what this is. What on earth could a school say about MY child that would be considered inappropriate behaviour? Drinking? No, sorry, covered by privacy rights. The only thing I can think of would be inappropriate use of school equipment. The inappropriateness of anything in the home would be determined by the parent.

Mars Images Reveal Evidence of Ancient Lakes 128

Matt_dk writes "Spectacular satellite images suggest that Mars was warm enough to sustain lakes three billion years ago, a period that was previously thought to be too cold and arid to sustain water on the surface, according to research published today in the journal Geology. Earlier research had suggested that Mars had a warm and wet early history but that between 4 billion and 3.8 billion years ago, before the Hesperian Epoch, the planet lost most of its atmosphere and became cold and dry. In the new study, the researchers analysed detailed images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is currently circling the red planet, and concluded that there were later episodes where Mars experienced warm and wet periods."

Antarctic's First Plane, Found In Ice 110

Arvisp writes "In 1912 Australian explorer Douglas Mawson planned to fly over the southern pole. His lost plane has now been found. The plane – the first off the Vickers production line in Britain – was built in 1911, only eight years after the Wright brothers executed the first powered flight. For the past three years, a team of Australian explorers has been engaged in a fruitless search for the aircraft, last seen in 1975. Then on Friday, a carpenter with the team, Mark Farrell, struck gold: wandering along the icy shore near the team's camp, he noticed large fragments of metal sitting among the rocks, just a few inches beneath the water."

Comment This is a Class Issue (Score 2, Interesting) 1073

If malcolm gladwell's data is to be believed, the efficacy of extended schooling has everything to do with social class. It turns out that the upper end of the income scale actually do things with their kids during the summer increases their performance, because they're doing things like going to camp or participating in other enriching activities. The kids that don't have these opportunities by and large regress, intellectually speaking, over the summer break.

I would think that if anything is done in the US to extend schooling opportunities, it should keep this in mind. While a chicago south-sider is likely to get a lot of benefit from going to summer school, my child is likely not, because he engages in these sorts of activities, and I would not want it mandatory to pull him out of them.

Comment Major studio Revenue Models (Score 1) 319

I used to work for an online vido media distribution company, and I suspect that this has very little to do with apple policies, and everything to do with the copyright holder. While small video distributors will often grant all-inclusive licenses, large distributors (sony, disney, a&e, probably anyone you've ever heard of) distribute rights on a per-region basis. These formulas have been developed by the large media distributors in this country over the last 100 years in order to maximize revenue. Having spoken to sony on the matter, it is unlikely that any online distributor of their media, for example, will not be bound by region restrictions. To the gentleman that commented that the CD store did not enforce this same model: This is true, but when you move into DVD's it isn't. This revenue model by the big distributors was specifically what lead to region encoding in the DVD standard. (Yes, I know there are multi-region DVD's.) In short, this is probably not apple's fault, and pretty much every online distributor of major studio content will have to abide by it, unless the revenue models of the content producers shift dramatically. Going to another platform, or another distributor, is unlikely to change this situation fundamentally.

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