I used to work for an online vido media distribution company, and I suspect that this has very little to do with apple policies, and everything to do with the copyright holder.
While small video distributors will often grant all-inclusive licenses, large distributors (sony, disney, a&e, probably anyone you've ever heard of) distribute rights on a per-region basis. These formulas have been developed by the large media distributors in this country over the last 100 years in order to maximize revenue. Having spoken to sony on the matter, it is unlikely that any online distributor of their media, for example, will not be bound by region restrictions.
To the gentleman that commented that the CD store did not enforce this same model: This is true, but when you move into DVD's it isn't. This revenue model by the big distributors was specifically what lead to region encoding in the DVD standard. (Yes, I know there are multi-region DVD's.)
In short, this is probably not apple's fault, and pretty much every online distributor of major studio content will have to abide by it, unless the revenue models of the content producers shift dramatically. Going to another platform, or another distributor, is unlikely to change this situation fundamentally.