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Comment Re:Friend, I am about to destroy your arguments. (Score 1) 232

OK, let me get this straight. You are saying that ONE computer in one house, accessed through ONE internet provider, (maybe two) is better than billions of dollars of hardened data centers from Google, Microsoft, Rackspace, etc? I suggest you wake up and smell the ubiquitous data access dood, before someone decides to jack your vintage Sun workstation from your basement. I will not mention the cell networks, since you depend on those very same networks, just like everybody else, unless you're home and a flood, fire or brownout has not nuked your hardware, along with all your data. (Yeah, I know, offsite backups, how many days till you're back up, if you can find the key to the safety deposit box, redundancy is a bitch in a non-virtual environment)

Comment Re:It's how it affects you, not if (Score 1) 232

Exactly! This is a classic conditioning exercise. Whether done in a video game or with flash cards, *you are going to be conditioned*! :) Of course, this rarely translates IRL as cleanly, but, *you are going to be conditioned*! :) If something is repeated often enough, in whatever form, *you are going to be conditioned*! :)

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