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Journal zedmelon's Journal: Moderation IV 2

Thursday 12 February: I just logged in to check a couple journal entries, and I found mod points waiting for me. The journals offered entertaining reading, and though I identified with much of each, I didn't feel like I had anything to contribute. I'm trying to reduce my quantity of posts by the same number of valueless posts I tend to make. ;)

Although I must extend my condolences to Oculus Habent over the borked screen...that really sucks,
and my congratulations to turg: Dude, I didn't even know you were pregnant

The mod points are a bit of a surprise, since I've been sorely lacking on my posting, which is also surprising, since most unemployed people should be able to browse MORE /., but I don't... I even lost the points I had about a month ago.

As for the point distribution, anyone have any suggestions? I'm going to bed now.

Actually, I should probably call this Friday the 13th, since it's already 1:30 am, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's been Thursday all day to me. Maybe I'll feel more productive when it's officially Friday at my house.


Update: 15 February - Okay, I'm officially lame (zed, was there a question before? -ed.). To lessen my lameness (or just weasel out of being completely lame), I'm adding a couple names to my friends list.

During a discussion about phone numbers, an AC/DC song was quoted that mentions the number 362-436, and this post by Vargasan must be read in order to appreciate this quite amusing post by Prior Restraint, which landed him in my friends list.

There are many comments in this thread--regarding the ship on which Darwin journeyed around the world--that made me laugh out loud. I'd like to mention two in particular, by buck09 and sbennett , both of which are underrated in my opinion, but at least one of them is getting credited for being funny. Another thread, starting here and continuing for maybe 20 posts (16 February, 2004 - 21:55 GMT) is loaded with chuckles for anyone suffering from crippled sense of humor such as mine. Sbennett's conversation with IshanCaspian had me chortling for several minutes. All three are my newest friends.

25 February: Life is lame lately, and I need to laugh more. That's why I appreciate this post by stienman, which has landed him in my friends list. The more I read it, the funnier it gets. It was inspired by the grandparent, posted by Hektor_Troy, a fellow Carlin fan.

Heh. Also this one by arvindn, a few posts down.

FrostedWheat, with a funny new twist on an old Microsoft complaint.

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Moderation IV

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  • Same thing for me. If I quit posting for a week, I usually end up with mod points (sometimes 2 weeks in a row).

    Been SO long since I've done that, though. :-)
    • heh. Seems like it. It's probably because I meta-moderated, because the day before I got the points, I told myself, "I really should do this, since I used to help out a couple times a week."

      I'm really glad no one had any
      "Well, I posted this comment here [] that no one has apparently noticed, I'm fairly proud of it."
      replies for this journal, because I *completely* dropped the ball and lost my dang points again.

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
