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Comment Re:Whats the problem? (Score 1) 272

| Soviet N-1 and Proton launchers had control units that could compensate for failed engines or short burns and still put the payload into its orbit.
Except that it never worked on the N-1 - all the launches resulted in catastrophic failures (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N1_%28rocket%29)

Comment Explain Everything for iPad (Score 1) 126

You can import a Powerpoint or a PDF (there are more formats as well) and present on an iPad - everything you do gets recorded - then you can export to MP4 or YouTube. Obviously, you need to convince the lecturer to use it ;-) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/explain-everything/id431493086?ls=1&mt=8 There are highlighters, a laser pointer - you can also save the whole lecture as a PDF (more or less - it takes screenshots of your slides).

Submission + - Katamari Hack for Chrome (and compatible browsers) (kathack.com) 1

skaet writes: Using CSS3 transforms and HTML5 canvas, the Katamari Hack for Google Chrome (and other compatible browsers) allows you to turn any website into a game of Katamari Damacy! The script was created by Alex Leone, David Nufer, and David Truong, and won the 2011 Yahoo HackU contest at University of Washington. Don't like the new Slashdot design? Go to town on it!

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