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Comment Re: Not just Greed, Stupidity Too! (Score 1) 207

Agree, One Drive has its uses -- like sharing photos with family online ease, but it isn't a legitimate backup service. In fact it's even worse because it's much easier for a use to delete a file "locally" and have it inadvertently delete the cloud version as well due to the unintuitive integration in Explorer.

Comment Re: Beverly Hills Cop (Score 1) 41

Those were "Bearer bonds" and are used in other movies involving heists ( e.g. Heat ). The reason is a bearer bonds value is redeemable to whomever physically holds the paper. Each physical bond can hold an arbitrary value so you can have a small number of bonds represent a huge ( I traceable) value -- it lets a movie have a believable way to have a ridiculously high value heist ( IMO Die Hard With a Vengeance achieved this in a way cooler way).

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