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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Give it to  *Friday January 10, 2025 @02:06PM  2
   attached to DOJ Cleared To Sell $6.5 Billion In Bitcoin Seized From Silk Road
Of course...  *Thursday July 25, 2013 @08:09AM 10 5, Insightful
   attached to Study Questions H-1B Policies
Stem shortage...  *Friday April 26, 2013 @11:38AM 4 5, Insightful
   attached to New Study Suggests No Shortage of American STEM Graduates
Re:We are the 30%  *Wednesday December 12, 2012 @08:56AM 1 2
   attached to Microsoft To Apple: Don't Take Your Normal 30% Cut of Office For iOS
I like my Google TV because...  *Tuesday January 10, 2012 @02:55PM 2 2
   attached to Google Giving Google TV Another Shot
Re:Mafia  *Thursday November 10, 2011 @09:35PM 7 5, Insightful
   attached to Zynga To Employees: Surrender Pre-IPO Shares Or You're Fired
Re:Homeseer....  *Monday June 13, 2011 @11:24AM  2
   attached to Comcast Offering Home Security Bundle
Perhaps...  *Saturday June 11, 2011 @11:38AM 1 2
   attached to Friday's Big Swings, Mostly Down, Illustrate Bitcoin Value Volatility
I am surprised...  *Wednesday May 04, 2011 @10:20PM  2
   attached to AMD Launches Fastest Phenom Yet, Phenom II X4 980
huh?  *Monday November 22, 2010 @08:58AM 2 2, Interesting
   attached to FCC Commissioner Blasts Verizon On Net Neutrality
I hope....  *Thursday August 26, 2010 @12:08PM 1 2
   attached to Facebook Says It Owns 'Book'
Re:More Info & Dashboard  *Thursday July 29, 2010 @03:25PM 2 2
   attached to Global Warming 'Undeniable,' Report Says
What?  *Friday November 20, 2009 @09:15AM 28 2, Insightful
   attached to Federal Judge Says Corps of Engineers Liable For Katrina Damage
Re:I don't care about the average life expectancy  *Sunday November 08, 2009 @11:30PM  2
   attached to Landmark Health Insurance Bill Passes House
Re:Doing it wrong  *Tuesday October 27, 2009 @05:21AM  2
   attached to What is the Current State of Home Automation?
Good idea...  *Wednesday October 14, 2009 @12:21AM  2
   attached to EPA To Reuse Toxic Sites For Renewable Energy
Sorry...  *Wednesday September 30, 2009 @03:06PM  2
   attached to Artificial Heart Recipient Has No Pulse
Re:Department of Orwellian Reasoning  *Saturday September 26, 2009 @05:43PM 1 2
   attached to G20 Protesters Blasted By "Sound Cannon"
You mean  *Wednesday September 23, 2009 @05:08PM 1 -1, Troll
   attached to Radar Map of Buried Mars Layers Confirms Climate Cycles
Re:It's green...  *Wednesday September 23, 2009 @05:13PM  2
Re:It's green...  *Wednesday September 09, 2009 @03:02PM 1 2
   attached to Teenager Invents Cheap Solar Panel From Human Hair
Superimprose  *Sunday August 02, 2009 @10:09PM 1 2
   attached to The Music Industry's Crisis Writ Large
That is great.....  *Thursday June 18, 2009 @12:19PM  2
   attached to Comcast To Bring IPv6 To Residential US In 2010
Re:Advertisement?  *Monday May 18, 2009 @08:18AM 1 2
   attached to DIY Microprocessor Sound Level Meter Demoed At MIT

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
