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Comment Re:the law does not apply to most businesses (Score 1) 33

Every business has to file federal forms and many businesses are directly regulated by federal agencies. Departments such as Transportation, health, CDC, Commerce, and agriculture all create federal oversight of commerce and safety. I'm really tired of people tearing down the federal government as if it doesn't have legitimacy. You literally live in a country called the United States of America.

Comment UBI objectives? (Score 2) 235

With automation and AI ascending, many job functions will be eliminated or reduced. Many low-income people are working multiple jobs and more than 40 hours a week. it should be an objective to allow such workers to reduce their hours so it should not be surprising that UBI would create a trend of fewer hours worked.

Comment too bad for them (Score 1) 161

I go to Amazon Fresh specifically so I can use the scan "my bar code" and walk out without having to stop at a cashier. The dash cart is a big pain. The store is otherwise rather mediocre and I likely wouldn't bother going there if they get rid of this feature.

I think it's hilarious that the real brains behind this is a human workforce offshore rather than as they touted AI facial recognition.

Comment How to save Boeing (Score 2) 84

Here's my wild idea. Bring back Alan Mulally as CEO and Chairman of the Board
1) Restructure the board with more engineers and fewer bean counters
2) Move HQ back to the Seattle area (makes his commute from Mercer Island easier)
3) Reconstitute core engineering onshore to rebuild institutional knowledge
4) Rebuild quality and safety teams and give them the power to stop production if necessary
5) Recapture Spirit Aerospace and bring it back into Boeing company control
6) Recenter production of new models at Everett
7) Fire every MCD vestigial executive
8) Fire every bean counter and marketing schmuck that contributed to this mess
9) Find a successor (he's 78) to take over within 3 years

Comment So has the United States (Score 1) 84

Wealth Inequality affects affordable housing and transportation. Infrastructure disinvestment creates systemic problems, and Oligopolistic consolidation of corporate power has created massive supply chain disruptions. Deliberate disinformation campaigns create societal and political instability and the rise of Fascism. The rise in violent crime is also an aspect of these conditions.

Submission + - Low-wage earners to get high-speed Internet for $30 in Biden program (

echo123 writes: At&T, Comcast, Verizon and 17 other providers will offer discounts under the plan, which the White House estimates will extend to 48 million households

Twenty Internet providers, including AT&T, Comcast and Verizon, have agreed to provide high-speed service at a steep discount to low-income consumers, the White House announced Monday, significantly expanding broadband access for millions of Americans.

The plan, a feature of the $1 trillion infrastructure package passed by Congress last year, would cost qualifying households no more than $30 per month. The discounts plus existing federal Internet subsidies mean the government will cover the full cost of connectivity if consumers sign on with one of the 20 participating companies. The White House estimates the program will cover 48 million households, or 40 percent of the country.

The 100-megabit-per-second service is fast enough for a family to work from home, complete schoolwork, browse the Internet and stream high-definition movies and TV shows, the White House said.

Households can qualify for the subsidies, called the Affordable Connectivity Program, if their income is at or below 200 percent of federal poverty guidelines, a member of the household participates in certain federal anti-poverty initiatives — including Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, federal housing assistance, Pell Grant tuition assistance, or free or reduced-price school meals — or if the household already qualifies for an Internet provider’s low-income service program.

Consumers can check whether they qualify for discounted service at

Comment inappropriate use of emergency channel (Score 3, Insightful) 76

I think it is a very inappropriate use of an emergency channel to announce the death or injury of a LEO without any other context. That information is not an emergency situation for the public. It does not help the public with regard to its safety or actions. This kind of news can be broadcast via news channels as well as Twitter etc.

Comment Re:Nuclear power is good (Score 1) 220

Because you have a greedy middleman in between you and your power source. Wind is so cheap that for a time, during overnight periods, wind producers were actually paying for people to utilize their output. The efficacy of large-scale renewables-driven energy storage and distribution has been proven. Large-scale wind projects are being built in a fraction of the time it takes to build a nuclear plant and bring it online. the Dogger-Point wind farm off the coast of NE England will produce enough power for 6 million homes. The Hornsdale battery installation in Australia utilizing Tesla battery storage and its Autobidder software is credited with stabilizing the national grid and lowering consumer energy bills. Now their building additional facilities.

Comment Sovereign Currency (Score 1) 189

What happens if the United States, the defacto World Currency of exchange, were to do the same as PRC and ban access to Cryptocurrency? Under the current way the world works, you have Sovereign Countries whose currencies are controlled by their central banks and are traded based on the country's performance in the world trade game. Countries take a dim view of their sovereignty being usurped, and given the history of the United States, I can see them acting to neutralize this existential threat.

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