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Why Sony Cannot Stop PS3 Pirates 378

Sam writes "A former Ubisoft exec believes that Sony will not be able to combat piracy on the PlayStation 3, which was recently hacked. Martin Walfisz, former CEO of Ubisoft subsidiary Ubisoft Massive, was a key player in developing Ubisoft's new DRM technologies. Since playing pirated games doesn't require a modchip, his argument is that Sony won't be able to easily detect hacked consoles. Sony's only possible solution is to revise the PS3 hardware itself, which would be a very costly process. Changing the hardware could possibly work for new console sales, though there would be the problem of backwards compatibility with the already-released games. Furthermore, current users would still be able to run pirated copies on current hardware." An anonymous reader adds commentary from PS3 hacker Mathieu Hervais about Sony's legal posturing.

Capcom 'Saddened' By Game Plagiarism Controversy 163

Capcom's recent release of action platformer Maxsplosion for the iPhone caused indie developer Twisted Pixel to call Capcom out for copying the concept from their successful Xbox Live game 'Splosion Man. Twisted Pixel said they had no plans for legal action, since they were "too small to take on a company like Capcom." The indie studio had even pitched the game to Capcom for publishing at one point, but were declined. Now, Capcom has released a statement denying that Maxsplosion's development team had any knowledge of the meetings and saying, "MaXplosion was developed independently by Capcom Mobile. Nonetheless, we are saddened by this situation and hope to rebuild the trust of our fans and friends in the gaming community."

Comment Re:The problem with multiplayer is... (Score 1) 439

I agree that single player is very much alive. Quite frankly going in cold to a multi-player world can be overwhelming. Suddenly here you are as a newbie getting blitzed by 10-14 year olds. Where's the fun in that? And you're paying money for the privilege?! Please... Like in real-life, sometimes you want to be alone and not bothered while you practice your skills or try different things playing. Single player at least offers folks a place to practice, to explore and to enjoy the game without others pestering you.

Comment Re: Life is stressful enough - games shouldn't be (Score 1) 341

I agree that somewhere in time games went from an pleasurable escape to being on par with real life. I recall Mario Brothers, Need for Speed, Wolfenstein were games that required some focus and a degree of curiosity and persistence. Games like Halo and Call of Duty require focus and determination akin to a studying for an exam and thus I've tossed many a controller in disgust at times when my abilities come up short in completing the tasks. In fact, I have absolutely no interest playing the online variants of games like Halo - having 10-15 year olds out perform you and taunt you is a level of crap I don't need. I get enough of that in the real world, 9-5 M-F thank you very much.

Halo Elite Cosplay Puts Others To Shame 115

AndrewGOO9 writes "Pete Mander, a special effects artist from Ontario, Canada seems like he might have either had way too much time on his hands or just really enjoys Halo. Either way, this is one of those costumes that makes all of the cosplayers at a con feel like their best efforts just weren't quite up to par."

Comment Re:Bah... (Score 1) 140

LOL..nice but you're comment makes a good point - this little article mentions only IE. Does that mean browsers like Firefox (my choice), Chrome, Safari are immune. All of them have remember my password functionality but somehow does it better/different? I assume this since no one so far has written, "Sweet Jesus we're DOOMED!", that IE is the only exploited platform with this software?

Comment Re:Bloat (Score 1) 141

Agreed plus didn't companies try this like 10 years ago because they felt people didn't want to shop using their credit cards? In fact, it failed because people weren't as phobic about it as originally thought. Looks like Visa needed something to spend their vast profits gained by gouging us with interest and fees.

Comment Wait...did you say free? (Score 1) 2

I could see myself looking at the advertising and thinking "Free..." much like Homer Simpson says "Doughnuts". I do take steps to protect myself online but I suspect I am, in fact, completely compromised and thus a victim waiting for a mugger. And if indeed I am screwed then "if it's free, then its for me!" FINALLY something for relative nothing. I sure hope it is somewhat a robust netbook - I don't want a piece of junk for free (I have standards damn it - I'm not street booty). And as there are a lot of MEs like me out there, I think Google will be hard-pressed to make enough. Imagine a world where stuff is free provided you allow that company access to the information gathered from it? Free cell phones in exchange for the numbers and places you go? Cheaper cars that track and share the places you visit? Oh the possibilities....

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