Comment Re: Obvious that he crashed on purpose (Score 1) 185
I'm a student pilot (only 5 hrs in), and even *I* know you don't bail on a plane like that when there are other options. From that altitude, he had a plethora of options, the #1 being to glide to a nearby airport and land it just fine, another would be to glide it to one of those roads and setting it down fine. Another to find a relatively flat area, like the one if eventually crashed in, and set it down, even if it's a little rough. Things that bother me, in addition to what's already mentions:
What is he looking at out his door? Is he trying to hit a pre-planned mark? He kept looking, as if he was searching for something specific.
Why didn't he use his radio? Assuming I still jump, if my call is heard, even if I don't hear a response, potential rescuers know an approximate location and how many souls on board. Hell, they might be in the air before I'm even on the ground.
Whole thing stinks. If he staged it, which I highly suspect, it puts ALL of general aviation at risk, not just his own license, because it reflects poorly on all of us and could result in stricter licensing requirements in the future.