you should try to not split infinitives.
AUX -> { {(T)(M)(to)} (perf)(prog)(pass)}
An auxilliary can be a tense, modal, or to along with the combinations of the perfect, progressive, passive aspects. This rule comes from The Grammar Book (which I have sitting on my desk because I am a TESOL instructor), chapter 31, page 645. The use of to to make the infinitive in English is accepted by most linguists to act as any other auxilliary and conform to the rules of how adverbials interact with auxilliaries.
The idea of not splitting infinitives was concieved in the 19th century when linguist tried to push Latin grammar onto the English language with the Latin infinitive being an inflection of the verb rather than an aspect of the verb as it has been since English pushed towards the analytic side of the language spectrum.
Like it or not, Apple puts out innovative products that work well, and have a minimum amount of crapware to deal with. Spec sheets are great, but what matters most is usability.
I always find statements like this funny when a friend with an iPhone can't make or recieve calls in a place I can with my phone. iPhones are great little handheld gadgets, but I swear when it come to being an actual phone they are one of the most worthless phones on the market. It doesn't matter if it's ATT, Verizon, or another carrier.
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.