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Comment Re:And to think the DNC wanted to face Trump... (Score 5, Insightful) 2837

You could say people who voted for him are victims, like most of the people who voted for Hitler.

I don't buy it.

You know what life was like in the Weimar Republic? The currency was worthless (the mark depreciated by a factor of 10^12 in five years), unemployment was by 25%, streets were not safe (the reason why the government residen in Weimar rather than Berlin) and when the government defaulted on war reparations due to the terrible state of the economy, the belgian and the french force moved into and occupied Ruhr, the most industrially advanced part of the country... The situation comparable to today's Venezuela.

In other words, the people there really *were* victims regardles of Hitler. He did not quite manufacture that situation just took advantage of it. Still, he got only 33% of the votes in the last free elections.

There is no way you can compare that situation to what's going on in the US now. There were starving people roaming the streets begging for food; here the lowest classes are a generation of morbidly obese... I can see how people overlooked the warmongering and hate speech when Hitler also promised order and food. On the other hand the americans are overlooking the use torture and atomic weapons for the promise of getting rid of the immigrants.

Sorry, I'm not sympathizing with that!

Comment Re:And to think the DNC wanted to face Trump... (Score 5, Insightful) 2837

Incidentally, for those looking for someone to blame here, look no further than the DNC:

- and the GOP, who have been tearing themselves apart and letting the people down. And the God Mongers, who have always been part of the establishment; and the media, whose only interest has ever been to line their own pockets and wouldn't let facts get in the way. And so on.

Why not just blame people who voted for him? We talk about failure of the institutions, failure of the intellectual elites, failure of the politicians...

F*@! that! I'm calling this the failure of the masses!

And if you think it's snobbish to say so, you are wrong - I'm the one acknowledging their agency, that their decisions matter! Now they voted for a guy who wants to use the nuclear bomb. There's no excuses for that. That's not just 'locker room talk', that's not 'complicated economic policy', that's not 'showing the top 1% the finger' - that's just pure evil!

And the worst part is that this is happening all over the world. The Phillipinos voted for a loud mouthed buffoon as well. And the Polish have got a right wing isolationist president as well, ironically all the while the British isolationists claim they need to leave the EU because the Poles are getting all the gravy to the detriment of UK! All over europe extreme right is on the rise! There are elections comming in France and Germany next year and FN and AFD are hoping for a surprise as well!

W.T.F. people!

Comment Re:It's not likely to save them money either (Score 1) 618

The problem is that most companies don't (can't) measure the impact of outsourcing. They don't have statistics on errors/kloc or time spent developing a functional point. Very often they don't even have good statistics for their help desk tickets - the operators quickly learn how to game them.

All this means that there is usually no good basis to measure the success or the failure of outsourcing. Well, other than business success - which is why I think it's fair for private companies to outsource - they'll suffer the consequences privately if outsourcing is bad. With state run institutions it will be the public to pay the bill.

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