Comment South Korean TV isn't analog anymore (Score 1) 125
Therefore there is no way that the tablet in question will be able to pick up any SK TV broadcast even if it was not restricted.
How is the RRN meant to be a unique number that only you know, if it is used at most websites? This sounds like the sillyness of the US SSN -- its "secret" but everyone asks for it. I can see why Australia made it illegal for anyone other than the Tax Office, Employers or Superannuation funds to ask for your tax file number.
Unique number identifiers are useful to ensure records don't get mixed up, but they are not a proof of identity. Using them as proof is moronic.
Yes, it's crazy, but that's what's been happening for so long in Korea. When you register for a Korean website to create an ID, you almost always must enter your name and RRN, and it's checked with a third-party identification service that makes sure the information is legitimate (i.e. name matches recorded RRN), and that the RRN is not already associated with an existing ID. If you've passed this, the website regards that, pretty much legally, that the person registering for the site is the person with that RRN. Of course, you can masquerade as someone else by just knowing the name and RRN and make an ID on a website that the actual person has not yet bothered to register. It's true and it happens pretty often. If you do get caught doing this, you'll be liable for jail time and hefty fine, but what if this is done by some Chinese dude from mainland China, as it is often the case? Not much you can do, except send some paperwork to the company running the website and reclaim or suspend the ID in question.
The even damning aspect of the RRN leak from the SK Comm hacking is that RRN itself is permanent, with no possibility of re-issue (with possible exception of getting a sex change, because part of the number identifies your gender). At least most US websites don't ask for your SSN. At Korean websites, if you're a foreigner, you might simply be blocked off from registering, or at least ask you to provide Foreign Resident Registration Number that's analogous to RRN. Handful of websites let you go through without this. It's a very sad situation.
When you think about, TV is probably the most effective birth control device known to man... all the countries with high per-capita television ownership also have low birth rates.
Maybe. Going by that reasoning, internet may be even more potent birth control device. Korea has one of the lowest birth rates and the internet penetration rate is one of the highest.
"Recently announced Google Earth version 5.0 adds interesting new features like images of ocean floors and some detailed images of Mars."
up with
" upgrade to Google Maps that allows people to track the exact location of friends or family through their mobile devices."
plus a little hacking and amaze your friends and family as you wander along the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
Or, stun your relatives as you climb up Olympus Mons or walk along with Opportunity rover. I know I would.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith