So you're saying that the government over-spends $20K 100 million times every year? That's dumb.
On top of that, who says this was not an OK use of money?
"This is another sad day for the taxpayers in the United States," Rep. John Mica, the Republican chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure committee, said. "This sounds almost unbelievable to have this kind of waste reported when we're running trillions in dollars in deficit makes absolutely everyone's blood boil."
The outrage was bipartisan."
It was $20k for 4k people. That is $5/person. OMG! The government spent $5 per employee at a party? Holy shit! Panic now! My wife works in the private sector and they blow way more than that per employee at her company parties.
Nothing like taking numbers out of context to make your point.
Talking about taking numbers out of context; you're ignoring the total cost: $268,732 on a one-day conference
Another conference: "GSA Inspector General revealed that the agency had spent $822,751 of taxpayer funds to conduct the Western Regions Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada."
I know reading is hard, but perhaps you should read the article I linked too.