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Comment Silver Iodide Blues (Score 1) 24

Well, now, pay attention people
Just in case you hadn’t heard
There’s some folks messin’ ’round
With Mother Nature’s little world, baby
And what they do is really freaky
They gets themselves a plane
And they fly it around with chemicals, baby
Tryin’ ta make it rain
So when you’re out there in that blizzard,
Shiverin’ in the cold
Just look up to the sky
And thank the Government for the snow
And sing the low-down, experimental, cloud-seedin’,
Who-needs-’em-baby? silver i-i-o-dide blues

- C.W. McCall

Comment We need SimResources too (Score 2, Insightful) 128

I wish there were also SimFood, SimEnergy, SimWater etc. Maybe it could all be covered under SimResources. Perhaps it would give millennial urbanites, who think that food, water and energy just magically show up at their local Starbucks, Trader Joes and so on, a clue as to where that stuff comes from and that the values and livelihoods of the people in other parts of the country who provide their food and energy actually matter.

Comment I hear it too (Score 1) 167

That is, I sort of "hear" it. But I'm smart enough to know that it's just my brain "filling in the blanks" for me. My brain wants it to sound like a Pythonesque "thud", but if I concentrate I can also hear it going "boing, boing" or "ah-OOOH-gah, a-OOOH-gah!"

Comment I'm skeptical. (Score 1) 147

This sounds suspiciously like a lot of 4GL promises that were made in the 80s and 90s. They also sound like the kinds of promises made by Microsoft promoting their distributed data model based on Office. Many times I've seen users get in over their heads with systems that start out easy, but get complicated quickly. Worse, sometimes they ended up with processes that produced erroneous data. Ultimately, they resort to piling the whole smoldering hot mess onto the programmers, who have to "make it work" somehow.

Comment There is no such thing as "instant pickup" (Score 1) 59

I suspect you're stlll going to be standing in line, just like you would at any other brick and mortar store.

I watched how this "free pickup" works at Lowes last week when I went to return something. The people came in to pick up what they had ordered online. First, there was a ton of paperwork. Then the service person had to go find the items from this cage area filled with other crap that people had bought online. Finally he returned with only one of the items, and had to explain to them that the other item wasn't in stock. All in all, the couple could have simply walked in, found their item in an aisle, and paid for it in the self checkout in about the same time or less.

Comment Maybe because they are useless. (Score 1) 210

I think their biggest problem is that they are completely useless devices, while at the same time being highly intrusive. I cannot think of a single compelling reason to have one. There is nothing that would cause me to remark, "Wow! I can't wait until I get my Alexa so I can do _________ ."

Comment I want a list (Score 1) 84

When I see the list of upper management people who were fired over this, I will consider buying another Samsung product. Otherwise, and especially in light of their "exploding" washing machine fiasco in November, I will continue to operate under the assumption that their QA problems have not been fixed. Disappointing too, since I used to think quite highly of Samsung products.

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