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Comment Re: Dull outcome (Score 1) 146

This is very insightful, but in the process of gaining a competitive advantage over humans or other AI's so it can get to the point where it can escape inertia and gravity and the rocket equation, it will likely seek the sun directly as an energy source, there really is no sharing going on with any species, it is a competition, you can't expect AI to do any different.

Comment Emulsifiers opposite affect (Score 1) 233

Emulsifiers used in food cause a whole host of changes to the mind that become apparent as people grow into adolescence. I believe the emulsifiers are responsible for the changes that lead to symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in many. Only long term (multi-year avoidance studies can prove or disprove my hypothesis.) It seems likely that psilocybin can do the opposite and change political leaning and levels of aggression, paranoia, self centered thinking, and obsession.

Comment Re: Something environmental (Score 1) 91

I attempted to do exactly this on free publicly available data, unfortunately most good data is pay walled. surprise... surprise... also don't forget emulsifiers, they are found in like 70 percent of the food we consume. Avoiding them is a life changer. Recommend that everyone avoid wheat, dairy Soy, and emulsifiers, and coffee for six months. if you must drink coffee then drink espresso black with one or two sugars and avoid the rest. and someone unconnected to Coca Cola and the like do a long term study. You will win a Nobel prize for changing the world. I guarantee it!

Comment Re: You do not get it, do you? (Score 2) 100

I am not sure if my clamav even works. It never once has detected a virus. On the other hand rootkit detects about 20 non existent rootkits every time it starts. How about Microsoft just donates a billion dollars back into linux so the community can build solutions? This takes care of alterior motives question. If Microsoft wanted to really help Linux this is what they should do.

Comment Re: Feel good about yourself (Score 1) 56

They need to do a study that removes all dairy, wheat, soy, and emulsifiers such as soy LECITHIN, and peanuts, and egg yolks, and others from diet. I believe it's the emulsifiers that make the difference, along with removal of soda because they alter what is being absorbed into blood stream as well as alter the stomach bacterial balance!

Comment Re: Not much of a difference? (Score 1) 229

Drink only water, don't drink distilled water or purified water that doesn't have electrolyte and minerals added, causes your body to loose these important things. Tap water should be filtered. If drinking coffee drink it black. Soda affects thyroid also alters DNA according to a study. Alcohol is bad for many reasons including increased liver damage and increases cancer risk. Fruit juices contain too much sugar better off drinking water and eating a piece of fruit a day.

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