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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:If selling is legal..  *Friday February 10, 2012 @12:06PM  1
Re:If selling is legal..  *Thursday February 09, 2012 @09:25AM 1 1
   attached to Selling Used MP3s Found Legal In America
Will USA be as against it as it is Iran's?  *Monday January 09, 2012 @10:57AM 1 1
   attached to Kenya Seeks Nuclear Power Infrastructure
62 Mile High Club  *Friday December 09, 2011 @02:56PM  1
   attached to Tycho Deep Space: a DIY, Open Source, Manned Spacecraft
Re:This explains...  *Wednesday November 30, 2011 @09:00AM  1
   attached to Android Dev Demonstrates CarrierIQ Phone Logging Software On Video
Re:Smart phones are not private  *Tuesday November 22, 2011 @10:26AM  1
   attached to Are There Any Smartphones That Respect Privacy?
Re:You know... there is life without TV  *Thursday September 29, 2011 @12:39PM  1
Re:They Live!  *Thursday September 29, 2011 @12:32PM  1
You know... there is life without TV  *Wednesday September 28, 2011 @01:08PM 7 2, Insightful
   attached to The Cable Industry's a La Carte Bait and Switch
Scary  *Friday September 23, 2011 @10:17AM 2 1
   attached to Brain Imaging Reveals the Movies In Our Mind
Re:"Most people don't care"  *Monday September 19, 2011 @04:46PM  1
"Most people don't care"  *Monday September 19, 2011 @03:27PM 1 2
   attached to RMS: 'Is Android Really Free Software?'
$300 isn't low enough  *Monday September 12, 2011 @03:09PM 3 1
   attached to Fusion Garage Going After Lower-Price Tablet Market
How is $60 unreasonable?  *Tuesday August 30, 2011 @04:53PM 12 5, Insightful
   attached to Publicly Shaming Laptop Thieves Catches Bystanders in the Crossfire
Secure cellular communications?  *Thursday August 11, 2011 @05:10PM 2 1
   attached to GPRS Can Be Hacked Easily, Claims German Researcher
Re:It's only an abuse if you have something to hid  *Friday August 05, 2011 @03:33PM 1 1
   attached to Are 'Real Names' Policies an Abuse of Power?
Zombie Kepler  *Tuesday July 26, 2011 @05:55PM  2
   attached to Kepler to Investigate Newly Discovered Nebula
Remove the sting too!  *Wednesday July 13, 2011 @05:38PM  1
   attached to Scientists Breeding Super Bees
New slogan!  *Wednesday June 15, 2011 @11:33AM  1
   attached to EU Ministers Seek To Ban Creation of Hacking Tools
Hopefully they WON'T run Ubuntu 11.04  *Friday June 03, 2011 @03:48PM 1 2
   attached to Asus To Ship Ubuntu 10.10 On Three Eee PC Netbooks
Re:Libertarians  *Friday May 13, 2011 @03:25PM 1 1
   attached to Small Devs Attacked Over In-App Purchase Button Patent
Re:Both good and bad news...  *Wednesday May 11, 2011 @02:19PM 1 1
Re:Both good and bad news...  *Wednesday May 11, 2011 @10:33AM 1 0
   attached to Zeus Crimeware Kit Source Code Leaked
Patents =/= IP  *Monday May 02, 2011 @05:48PM 1 1
   attached to Court Approves Google's Bid For Nortel's IP

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
