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Comment Quiet on all fronts (Score 1) 184

It's a horrible upgrade.. yes.. I agree with that with every bit of my being. However one of the worst things they have done so far is not respond to the community that is demanding results. Most responses from the community leaders have been vague and misdirectional. Some community leaders have even resulted in telling people to "stop it" in regards to posting negatively about the CU. Could this be because they are looking for new blood and don't want to scare potential customers away? Their horribly funny email was sent to most all subscribers with the quotes from an SOE employee no doubt. They brag on how great the CU is and how everyone loves it. I don't see them showing the whole truth here and post the comments from the majority of their subscribers. With the release of the new movie, their business plan is to replace cancelled subscribers with newbies that are still on a Star wars high. All I can request from everyone is to keep posting alive and keep the media broadcasting on what a joke this game is so that their business plans flops in their face. I am like most subscribers when I say I won't be happy till I know all the developers working on this CD (combat downgrade) are fired and working at the nearest fast food joint. I'll take fries with that!

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