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Comment Re:Don't think it's "unverified" now, however (Score 0) 343

Trump can't hope to compete with Biden on corruption because whatever Biden did we know Trump has done far worse just while he's been in office.

Wow! We "know" this??? You should alert someone because then Trump can be removed from office on corruption charges. Oh wait, you aren't even American. So fuck off with what you "know".

Comment Re:It's only politics left with COVID... (Score 0) 186

" 100% of the population is destined to be exposed to the virus."

It won't be 100%, but people need to accept this reality. This is what viruses do. Welcome to Earth. No one lives forever and the chances you are going to die of COVID is extremely small. Sweden realized this early on, and now other countries are coming around as well. Just manage it so hospitals don't get overwhelmed (which despite breathless reporting hasn't happened).

Comment Re:It's only politics left with COVID... (Score 0) 186

Don't bother. These guys aren't interested in data or facts. You are 100% right: the number of cases rising dramatically and the number of deaths are not. There may be a bump upwards in deaths but that is explained by more testing. Even if you don't agree with my speculation, anyone who isn't blind can see that the case rate is going up 700% but the death rate isn't even close to tracking it. This is political now.

And yes, the more people get it, the more people will die in general. However, you cannot escape viruses. Even New Zealand is learning that and they have the easiest task of all the countries. What is truly scary is how people want to remain in lockdown until the number of cases is a handful. That isn't possible. That will never happen. Thousands of Americans still die of h1n1.

Comment Re:Worked for Microsoft... (Score 1) 106

Yeah just a "bit racist". My god, you people are unbelievable. Maxo-Texas you are a SELF AVOWED Marxist. You have literally told us that. But now it turns out you are just another IT guy working for an American corporation who outsources to India. How fucking CAPITALIST of you. You guys are a literal, fucking, joke. And yeah, you sound pretty fucking racist yourself and your comment about "1st world" is laughable. How do you people not realize what absolute hypocrites you are?

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