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Strange Bacteria Sustains Itself Without Sunlight 306

Hahnsoo writes "A colony of bacteria found 2.8 kilometers below the Earth's surface in a South African gold mine is able to sustain itself without energy from the Sun. While sub-surface colonies of microorganisms utilizing sulfur (mostly near deep sea hydrothermal vents) is not new, this particular colony is unusual. The colony does it by relying on radioactive uranium to split water into hydrogen gas. Thus, instead of solar energy and photosynthesis, this species relies on radioactive materials and sulfur/hydrogen to facilitate its energy needs. There is some speculation about life on other planets in the article as well."

Comment the catch. (Score 4, Informative) 110

there is a big problem with this whole issue: under their current pricing scheme, it it impossible to watch more than 1 hour of tv per month.
they charge about 5 cent per MB for downloads above their limit of 1 GB/month.
if they would introduce a fair pricing scheme, some people would be able to use broadband technology is a meaningful way.
in austria, alternative providers are only slowly gaining ground.

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