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Comment you've forgotten something... (Score 1) 1040

In all of the fuss here. you've guys forgot the best gui yet. webOS. yeah, i said it. it brought it all together in one slick package (palm does it again). too bad HP had to have "big plans" for it. I feel Palm will rise again. Mobile/Touchscreen usability is where everyone is headed. eventually the desktop will be mostly touch. Command line is good for those who have time on there hands initially. but for the average Joe you need usability to get things going. HP is about to put webos on the selling block. Hopefully someone will scoop it up and slap in on top of there system. Android has got some good momentum. If they can add the usability of webos they could really deal a deathblow to the rest of the pack. Another big issue in gui and their usability is security. Security can be the most complicated thing and that's why the average joe should have almost nothing to do with it. Security in business and at home should be dealt with in 2 totally different ways. Unfortunately its not. Windows for example has the same security mechanisms in all version of its OS. They just to dumb things down for the average consumer and what you get is shitty security. the model has to be re-done. Users should be able to do what ever they need to, to get the desired result. anybody else can't. No online apps should ever be able to make a change to that system. just going to one site as an administrator account can totally screw things up without the user knowing (thanks a lot Command Line).

Comment the future, the final frontier (Score 1) 1521

I've enjoyed slashdot for quite a long time. at least 10 years or more. Oddly I just a few years ago got an account and did some random commenting. Even though i was a minuscule commenter, I read every day. Slashdot, for me is about hope for the future. I read every day to see that something i can't grasp - A connection with the universe that i want to explore. CmdrTaco, thank you for generous amounts of time and great amounts of information that you've shared with us. With this on your resume, no worries.

Comment warm and fuzzy. (Score 1) 159

while i like the idea of security and keeping my stuff secure, i love the fact that this hacktivism shows one very good point. Corporations and the governments they've bought have all been chipping away at society in an attempt to go back to the good old days of serfdom, but when a few people in the masses who happen to know some shit get together, pissed off people get their message across.

Comment New Idea? Or just a twist on an old one? (Score 1) 127

"Pruning" has been around a while. Intel's been doing it since the 486 sx. That was just a laser zapped cpu that didn't use all of its components to get the job done at a less capable pace. You had to pay a premium to get the full DX. Now we're cutting things out to get the better performance. So now we will have to pay more for performance and for a lesser supply of materials. See, Capitalism wins once again. That's probably the real innovation here.

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