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Comment Re: Why physical copy is still better (Score 1) 130

Except none of that is actually true. Most of the world's copyright hasn't changed since the mid-1990s due to lack of political will. What you actually own is a license to play what's on that disc for personal use. In the U.S., the RIAA sued ReDiGi out of existence in 2012 because, as a platform to sell used digital tracks, it made an unauthorized copy of the data—even though it simultaneously deleted the original from the seller's storage drive. Read the RIAA's interpretation of the law for yourself. It says no copying except to media that has added fees to pay royalties back to record labels but we probably won't come after you . And movie industry (read: aside from pr0n) DVDs and BDs are encrypted by default, which means you aren't allowed to circumvent the DRM.

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