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Comment Re:Shooting themselves in the foot (Score 3, Insightful) 114

It probably doesn't matter much to the Chinese government that foreigners view the administration with disdain, as long as Chinese nationals view the administration with respect and trust.

Especially if they can pass off any negative foreign views of China as being an anti-Chinese bias.

Submission + - SPAM: A crystal as beautiful as a diamond

Roland Piquepaille writes: "Why are diamonds so shiny and beautiful? A Japanese mathematician says it's because of their unique crystal structure and two key properties, called 'maximal symmetry' and 'strong isotropic property.' According to the American Mathematical Society (AMS), he found that out of all the crystals that are possible to construct mathematically, just one shares these two properties with the diamond. So far, his K4 crystal exists only as a mathematical object. And nobody knows if it exists — or if it can be synthesized. So will we say one day "A K4 Crystal Is Forever"? Read more for additional references and a picture of the beautiful K4 crystal."

Submission + - The 5 Coolest Hacks of '07

ancientribe writes: Nothing was sacred to hackers in '07 — not cars, not truckers, and not even the stock exchange. Dark Reading reviews five wild hacks that went after everyday things we take for granted even more than our PC's — our car navigation system, a trucker's freight, WiFi connections, iPhone, and (gulp) the electronic financial trading systems that record our stock purchases and other online transactions.


Submission + - "You Don't Understand Our Audience" (technologyreview.com)

MBCook writes: "Technology Review has a fantastic seven page piece titled "You Don't Understand Our Audience" (printer version, summed up by Ars) by former Dateline correspondent John Hockenberry. In it he discusses how NBC (and the networks at large) has missed and wasted opportunities brought by the Internet; and how they work to hard to get viewers at the expense of actual news. The story describes various events such as turning down a report on who al-Qaeda is for a reality show about firefighters, having to tie a story about a radical student group into American Dreams, and the failure to cover events like Kurt Cobain suicide (except as an Andy Rooney complaint piece)."

Submission + - USA Government To Release Electronic Passport soon (xuecast.com)

XueCast writes: "http://www.xuecast.com/?p=430, United States Of America's Department of State has announced that they will release the new electronic Passport cards in either April or May 2008. The cards will have computer chips in them, and these chips would be used to store informations and they could also be read wirelessly or remotely from up to 20 feet away, which could reduce the waiting time at border checkpoints. Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State For Passport Services, Ann Barrett in an interview said that : " As people are approaching a port of inspection, they can show the card to the reader, and by the time they get to the inspector, all the information will have been verified and they can be waved on through. ""
Red Hat Software

Fedora 8 A Serious Threat to Ubuntu 334

Tubs writes "According to MadPenguin.org's latest article, Fedora 8 from Red Hat is a serious threat to Ubuntu. The author writes, "I was never that swept up with past releases of Fedora. There was nothing compelling about it. But for the first time, I cannot help but feel that the Fedora team has been spoon fed an extra helping of Wheaties, which has put them into overdrive with their accessibility efforts."

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