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Left 4 Dead SDK Beta Released 75

Valve has released a beta version of their authoring tools for Left 4 Dead. The tools will allow you to "create your own campaign maps, character skins, 3D models, sound effects, and music and load them into the game." The kit includes a level editor and command-line compiling utilities, as well as example maps, props, infected, and explosives. It also brings plugins for a 3D modeling program called SketchUp. Valve has updated their development wiki to go along with the release.
The Media

Blogger Removed From NCAA Game for Blogging 302

CNet is reporting that a blogger from the Courier-Journal of Louisville, KY was recently ejected from an NCAA game for live-blogging. "According to the Courier-Journal, staff blogger Brian Bennett was approached by NCAA officials in the fifth inning of a game between the University of Lousville and Oklahoma State, told that blogging 'from an NCAA championship event "is against NCAA policies (and) we're revoking the (press) credential and need to ask you to leave the stadium."'"

Submission + - Self-healing plastic skin developed

An anonymous reader writes: Scientists have developed a form of 'plastic skin' that can heal itself when it becomes damaged. The material relies on an underlying network of vessels — similar to blood capillaries — that carry a healing agent to areas on the material's surface that become damaged. Unlike previous self-healing systems that relied on capsules of agent buried in the polymer and which became depleted after one use, the new system can respond to damage at the same point many times over.
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Digital camera Wi-Fi memory card coming soon

thefickler writes: "A soon-to-be released Secure Digital (SD) memory card with built in Wi-Fi networking will allow digital cameras to automatically upload images to home computers and photo sharing web sites.

Californian based company, Eye-Fi, recently secured $5.5 million in Series A funding to bring its Wi-Fi memory card to market. The Wi-Fi memory card is currently in beta, and is expected to be launched later this year."

Submission + - Atlantis launched without incident (

forkazoo writes: " is reporting the successful launch of the space shuttle Atlantis. There were no major incidents or problems during the launch, except that there was some concern about the weather at the two European abort landing sites. The weather cleared up and the launch was pretty much perfect. I watched on the live NASA TV stream."

Submission + - Indian Nationalists Censor Orkut

starkravingmad writes: The Economic Times is running a story on Hindu nationalists in India threatening to wreck internet cafes that don't block parts of Orkut that the vigilantes find offensive. From the article:

"Orkut is used by many destructive elements to spread canards about India, Hindus, our gods and cultural heritage," said Abhijit Phanse, president of Bharatiya Vidyarthi Sena, the student group.
"We are gently telling Internet cafe owners that it is their responsibility to see that surfers do not use their facility to carry out such hate campaigns," he said.
"Or else, we will have to do that job for them." Last week, dozens of Shiv Sena workers vandalised some Internet centres, saying they were not stopping their customers from accessing Orkut groups involved in sending hate messages.
The campaign is being run by the Shiv Sena, which has, in the past, fought against such threats to Indian society as Valentine's Day, the movie "Fire" which showed a lesbian love affair, and more recently, Richard Gere. They hold power in the Mumbai local government, and in the past have formed governments at the state level and were part of the coalition in the last national government in India.

And just to prove that they are more than an illiterate medieval mob who like to burn things down, they are taking a 21st century approach to censorship this time:

Phanse said his group was developing a special software that Internet service providers could install to block any message containing certain words and phrases such as "I hate" or "I despise". "The software should be ready in 2-3 months"

Vista Media Center Plus CableCard Equals No TV 262

notthatwillsmith writes "ATI's internal CableCard readers are finally available, and Maximum PC got hands-on time with a couple of Vista-powered systems built using the FCC-mandated technology. The short version? It doesn't work. From the article: 'The tech told me he'd receive training direct from Microsoft, but none of it covered internal tuners. We both agreed that the process should be the same, since the only difference is that the slots are inside the case, versus in an external box. The tech then proceeds to install the CableCards, connect the tuners to coax line, fire up the PC, and begin the software configuration. This step involves activating the TV Wonder with a product-activation code, and calling the Comcast office to exchange some information. We should have had a picture at this point, but we didn't.'"

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