Comment Re:TalkTalk (Score 1) 258
See my comment earlier in different thread; good luck.
See my comment earlier in different thread; good luck.
..with no comment on quality of Talk Talk's service, so let me provide one.
It's shit.
Constantly dropped connections, impossible to understand the "help" desk, frustration in just trying to get to speak to someone, letters to management ignored.
I'm sitting here at my in-laws on their Talk Talk trying to download a 3Mb file from gmail, and getting constant "Interrupted" errors, which I never see anywhere else.
Incredibly, I've spent the morning researching switching to BT, Virgin and Sky for my in-laws to switch. Got my work done (had to send instructions to customer on how to edit the code themselves rather than upload a patched application), thought I'd read a little slashdot, and wow.. this article is top of the list. I disagree with assessment of Virgin's cable service (my provider at home; they were worse than shit as NTL), FWIW; they're WAAY better than this
Sure. You want fries with that?
Optimized Your Sig For You
if(allInAgreement) {splitHairs();} else {reconcileViewpoints();}
AKA T-Mobile Pulse (not the Mini): great phone, all that's left after you ruled everything else out.
-1, linux zealotry bordering on FUD
I've used both, and prefer ShapeWriter
I try to allow for artistic license, but real computers DON'T MAKE CUTE R2D2 NOISES WHEN THEY'RE SEARCHING!
Not strictly on-topic, but that felt good for me.
I thought Unity was going to be the One True Plugin for all platforms, and that games shops would focus there. I'm so naive.
Waaaaay to completely ignore how cool this is
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith