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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:May have military use...  *Wednesday January 02, 2002 @04:18PM  1
   attached to Satellite Command Security?
Here's what you have to do to run Iridim  *Friday March 24, 2000 @01:17PM  5
Re:These people really seem to have no clue...  *Friday March 24, 2000 @12:57PM  1
   attached to Trying to Save Iridium
Re:Pls give Alan Kay more credit!  *Thursday February 17, 2000 @06:30AM  1
   attached to Xerox PARCers Doug Englebart and Alan Kay Webcast
Here's Link to IBM Page with More Details  *Monday November 29, 1999 @11:55AM  4
   attached to Wearables From IBM Japan

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
