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Comment From 1 anecdote to another (Score 2, Interesting) 67

Well, since the article wants to use an anecdote of the temperature in Svarlbard of near 0C, I'll use one of my own.

Where I am, along the 49th parallel, in the southwest of BC, the normal temp for this time of year is about 8C, now it's -7C, with a real feel of about -20C. I hate it and I would much rather be in Svarlbard right now. My furnace is running 24/7 almost to keep the temp near 21C, burning natural gas. Also, I have to warm my vehicle up for about 10 minutes, burning more gas. So I have to waste time and money, and use more fossil fuels. I think some warming is good.

P.S. I hope my palm tree survives thiss fucking cold snap.

Comment Re:Big Tech isn't worried (Score 1) 158


There is no such such thing as hate speech, there is only speech. I HATE people that don't appreciate FREE SPEECH.

Disinformation/misinformation only matter when there is intent to defraud, anything else is a lie or a mistake, and lying isn't, and shouldn't be illegal unless you're on the stand. Get a grip

Comment Re:Weak (Score 1) 104

I agree 100%

The thing that irritates me most is that the whole article could be summed up as:

'Linux will keep on rolling, doing what it's been doing for the last 30+ years'

Useless word salad

Comment Re:For what reason? (Score 1) 357

Let's see... You think that some nutters believe something, so therefore all people associated with that wing believe that thing.

Everyone can play that game.

I hereby declare that all DEMS believe what some nutters on the left believe.

Would you like to play? I bet my list is longer than yours.

Comment Re:Um.. she's a right winger (Score 1, Troll) 160

So a sane person will now be CEO. That's good news.
You say right-winger as if it's a bad thing. My guess is you suffer from TDS, and all of the accompanying side effects.
Finally, LibsofTikTok is a mirror on the left. They say nothing, all Libs does is repost videos the leftists have made, without commentary. What to make of what the leftists say/do is left as an exercise to the reader.
Having said that, I think social media is what will collapse the western world, which is what an alarmingly(seemingly) large percent of the population want. There is no room for discussion on most of the sites, only screaming, screeching, deplatforming and cancelling.

Comment Re:All for this (Score 0) 406

You disingenuous twat!
RTFB. Nowhere does it mention the word 'gay'. All the bill, actually named the "Parental Rights in Education" does is prohibit the instruction of sexuality (orientation/gender) to under 9 year olds. This included suggesting marriage should be heterosexual.
The bill is supported by most of the country.
and most of Florida Dems.
When will you TDS sufferers take the blinders off and stop being so tribal. Or at the very least be honest...., or even less than that, just not be hypocrites.

Comment Re:Don't check them out if you don't like them. (Score 1) 264

The OP made the point of 'Yes, but you do realize that your fellow traveler leftist lunatics see everything as problematic...' That is true as it was the screeching from the leftists against Rowling over her belief that a woman is an adult human female. As for Dr. Suess, again, it was leftists screeching that caused Dr. Seuss Enterprises to remove books from their publishing list. So the point that leftists find problems everywhere is a true statement. The part about book burning, not so much. You could however argue that they are trying to figuratively burns books.

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