Comment From 1 anecdote to another (Score 2, Interesting) 67
Well, since the article wants to use an anecdote of the temperature in Svarlbard of near 0C, I'll use one of my own.
Where I am, along the 49th parallel, in the southwest of BC, the normal temp for this time of year is about 8C, now it's -7C, with a real feel of about -20C. I hate it and I would much rather be in Svarlbard right now. My furnace is running 24/7 almost to keep the temp near 21C, burning natural gas. Also, I have to warm my vehicle up for about 10 minutes, burning more gas. So I have to waste time and money, and use more fossil fuels. I think some warming is good.
P.S. I hope my palm tree survives thiss fucking cold snap.
Where I am, along the 49th parallel, in the southwest of BC, the normal temp for this time of year is about 8C, now it's -7C, with a real feel of about -20C. I hate it and I would much rather be in Svarlbard right now. My furnace is running 24/7 almost to keep the temp near 21C, burning natural gas. Also, I have to warm my vehicle up for about 10 minutes, burning more gas. So I have to waste time and money, and use more fossil fuels. I think some warming is good.
P.S. I hope my palm tree survives thiss fucking cold snap.